darkknight111 ago

This is an excellent idea. I know that v/pizzagate would LOVE something like this to catagorize their work.

kestrel9 ago

There's going to be a lot of research from PG. If anyone wants to make a Topic page to gather up info on a subject we've covered, like you did, feel free to do so (keeping in mind it's not a discussion site, but a way to categorize and interlink research and open up lines of inquiry. Or ping me if something comes up and I pull links out of a thread (trying to keep it streamlined)

I can then do a format version (plugging it into a QTheme, Person, Place etc.) to add into the navigating links system I'm coming up with. PG is all over this, a goldmine of info already covered, so the insight is there, already seeing stuff a lot of people may miss.