shewhomustbeobeyed ago

trackalytics -

Which shit brigade are you talking about, Webby? There have been several.

Is it the "sQuirty is a saint" narrative that the PG mods keep trying to push?

"Everyone who thinks sQuirty is bad, is a Pedo" thingy that crunchy keeps doing?

The "Jem777 was murdered so we should all focus on Racine" shilling-shit-show?

Maybe it's you, gothamgore, esotericSPADE, theoleones, and everyone else who are constantly trying to doxx. Did you ever think of that?

Personally, I think you ALL SUCK.

@heygeorge @MadWorld

thewebofslime ago

theoldonez ago

why have more people not seen this

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not interested. Get your wife to do it.

thewebofslime ago

Funny you should bring her up. She just got a challenge coin from Space Force. It's the real deal.

I hope you understand that she is far more important than you are. I couldn't be more proud of her, this week.

I hope you also notice I managed to pepper the top page of /r/conspiracy, Voat, Poal, etc. Plus, I've been dumping uncensored Biden pictures all over liberal echo chambers.

So, if your feelings are genuine, and you aren't just shilling... you're feelings are misplaced and you have been ensorcelled. Stop picking fights with people and start building an army.

Several of my close allies, in life, made it through the local elections. We put a ton of time and effort into it. School Board. City Council. Mayor. I'm all about building an army.

Without an army, you will be left out in the cold.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't know anything about space force, other than it's a farce. Congrats on your wife getting her first coin, though. I can tell you're proud of her. Got some sitting in a junk box, somewhere.

I stopped reading your posts, a long time ago, webby. And I've never been to eddit, poal, etc.

My feeling have nothing to do with watching you use the same disgusting tactics that those I despise do. You choose to roll around in the pig sty with them. You're just mad cuz I don't approve.

"ensorcelled"? Witchcraft doesn't work on me, didn't you notice?

You have failed to impress me. In my world, ALL politicians get the rope, every last one. Might want to warn your friends that not all people think politicians are good.

Stop picking fights with people and start building an army.

Pot/Kettle Much?

Without an army, you will be left out in the cold.

I don't need, or desire to be part of an army. DJT has an army. Doesn't seem to be helping him much.

Since you behave just like the PG goons, I'm going to treat you like them. I hope you find a way to stop being so jealous of others.

Thanks for NOT answering my questions. Asshole.

theoldonez ago

haha this dumb bitch who likes to fight other dumb bitches on the Internet just refused to archive the Hunter Biden laptop data what a stupid qunt

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Says the dumbest bitch of all, who chimes in to specifically pick a fight.

It's all been archived, you stupid whore.

theoldonez ago

ok cunt you are wrong and ive sussed out why. you are crazy. delusional. you thought I was a chick lol.

why are you shilling against web? curious. @crensch just admitted to me web never doxxed @srayzie. He said web knew who srayzie was but didn't doxx her. @srayzie self doxxed then @KatHarszo amplified then web posted criminal records when they falsely accused him of being a pedo.

so you have this freak out on me that is hmmmm visceral because why? like full crazy bitch mode not the casual shit talking that goes on around here

@gothamgirl called you out as a shill. I was banned for even mentioning web.

pretty obvious you are all upvotes club shills. what other explainer is there? unless you're really THAT delusional and crazy

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm not wrong about anything I've said. You're the one who assumes what I think. U failed.

I have not shilled against webby, used to read his work.

@crensch just admitted to me web never doxxed \@srayzie.

I doubt that.

\@srayzie self doxxed then @KatHarszo amplified then web posted criminal records when they falsely accused him of being a pedo.

Right, they are all doxxers.

so you have this freak out on me that is hmmmm visceral because why?

haha this dumb bitch who likes to fight other dumb bitches on the Internet just refused to archive the Hunter Biden laptop data what a stupid qunt. arent u like an archivist or something? ha guess not

Gee, I can't imagine why. Pot/Kettle Much?

@gothamgirl called you out as a shill.

So all your friends are lying doxxers? GotHamGore thinks she's a real life dragon. Didn't you know? You're definitely a stupid cunt.

I was banned for even mentioning web.

Nobody cares.

pretty obvious you are all upvotes club shills. what other explainer is there? unless you're really THAT delusional and crazy

Since you're the one who chooses to suround yourself w/ Dragon Whores and Doxxers, it's obvious that you are the delusional one. It's also pretty obvious you don't know shit. Dumbass.

theoldonez ago


accuse me of having more than one interaction with gothamgirl makes you a lying shill I asked a question and many people answered I clduing Gotham girl who is so far right based on your mentally ill response

So what you are saying is Hunter Biden October surprise should never have happened and web shouldn't have shared it or the Dominion voting employees or the wuhan institute of Virology right? only a shill attacks patriots

but youre worse yoeur absolutely fkn crazy and it drips from your keyboard lemme guess mental illness diagnosis

you are a shill otherwise youbwouldnt care you work for crensch and you stir up negativity and fights and your life is sad and pathetic you should be doxxed too cunt

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



accuse me of having more than one interaction with gothamgirl makes you a lying shill I asked a question and many people answered I clduing Gotham girl who is so far right based on your mentally ill response

Blah blah blah

So what you are saying is Hunter Biden October surprise should never have happened and web shouldn't have shared it or the Dominion voting employees or the wuhan institute of Virology right? only a shill attacks patriots

Nope, that's what your saying. Don't care what webby does to Dems, they are too stupid/evil to live. Anyone who thinks Republicans are good, is a Fool. They are all corrupt and/or spineless, and should be held accountable.

you should be doxxed too cunt

Too late. But it is interesting to note, that you are all for breaking Voat rules. And doxxing someone who simply fights back against your unsolicited abuse. @thewebofslime

Do you work for that Chicom at poal?

U Whining Little Cunt

@heygeorge @MadWorld

theoldonez ago

what happens when someone breaks voat rules lol tell me

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What happens when you fuck off and die, you abusive little twat? So you do work for the ChicomPoalPussies, Good to know.

@heygeorge @MadWorld @thewebofslime

theoldonez ago

you are the abusive one and i just proved it y9u are dedicated to negativity amd infighting because that is whaf shills do amd shills deserve to be doxxed its the only thing that shuts them the fuck up

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Justify your sins all you want. Doesn't change the fact that you shill for a Chicomm POS site like poal.

Again, who's the one who attacked, and why?

Who is it threatening to doxx, like a thin skinned little pussy?

Oh that's right, it's you.

A Real, Patriotic American wouldn't do that.

That's how everyone can tell you're a commycuntpoalshill.

theoldonez ago

my sins lol? that's as far as i got hope you get doxxed you deserve it

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


theoldonez ago

youre legitimately insane that menopause must be a real bitch

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You goin through the menopause? you poor old stupid CommieCunt.

theoldonez ago

hahahahahahahahahahaha my joke was funnier the first time tho

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Nope. I'm much funnier than you. Just ask @heygeorge

theoldonez ago

so thats how your downvote brigade strategy works

got it so explain to me who is and how @heygeorge is relevant cuz yalls shit gets more crazy every time a new player enters really weird how i am getting gang stalked for defending web and the more i defend the more you all get triggered af

someone doxx these foolz

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

  1. If you don't speak the Engrish, I won't understand, Comrade

  2. @heygeorge doesn't downvote brigade.

  3. I don't DV brigade.

  4. I don't know who is DV brigading you, or webby.

  5. I may or may not DV you, or anyone else. For any reason I please. Why are you commies always so concerned about my lack of DV Brigading?

  6. Still calling for me to be doxxed, when I've done nothing to harm you, or your friends.

    You are definitely a Menopausal Marxist

theoldonez ago

the great false accuser is Satan and he clearly has your soul because you accuse but you do not know

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Says the false accuser. Who lies and attacks people for no other reason than jealousy.

theoldonez ago

y9u need Jesus

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Says the bearer of false witness, who calls for doxxing xtians. You need Jeshua. CommieCuntPoalWhore

theoldonez ago

let me rephrase

bitch ya need Jesus

more vomitous negativity? examine your life hotard

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You started this shit. Non xtians like you are the ones who need God.

examine your life hotard

Now you sound just like alafantis. You're scum.

@thewebofslime, if this ^ is an example of your 'Army', you can shove it. Thanks for proving you're nothing but a Shlomo. Still fooled by the controlled opposition. Why don't you all just grow TF up.

theoldonez ago

i started nothing your menopausal mania against other posters is clear as day before I even knew what voat was

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You don't even lie well, dumbshit.

theoldonez ago

lol u must get paid per comment what a try hard lemme guess you want everyone to believe you want to save the children took but havent actually saved anyone

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If you think that, then stop responding. CommieTrap.

But thanks for admitting that you get your paycheck from your responses. We all knew this about you, tho. Jews like you always do broadcast your own intentions and misdeeds. ShlomoCommiePoalPusher.

U R 2 boring.

theoldonez ago

are you saying you cant end this conversation without having the last word? ha so you want all the negativity

not enough hugs from daddy? or what? you like spankings dont you?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're the one who just can't let it go. That's how i know for a fact you're a jew.

Too stupid to understand that I'm bitching at @thewebofslime, because I cared about his information, at a certain point in time.

Not even masculine enough to let someone you started a fight with alone, that's how I know you're a low IQed woman.

And still shilling for the WuHuFlu, over at poal. Good luck with your minimum waged job, and commie health care.

theoldonez ago

lady youve lost your mind and never started making any sense no idea what tf your even talking about you hate web for doxxing tho he didn't and crensch admitted it and linked me to his explainer where he says web knew who srayzie was but wasn't the one who doxxed her crensch btw participated in dox on texasvet

you are menopasually raging trying to convince me what? your words are remotely acceptable in the real world? youre a cunt

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Says the retarded, doxxing, meth-heads-round-healed-whore. Fly away, dragonsnore. You are boring AF.


Gothamgirl ago

You are a low energy whore, that begs men to obey. I don't date methheads its reason I booted him out of my life. Your obessed with me otherwise you wouldn't have tagged me here.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey Retard, I'm not the one who pinged you to this submission. Your limp-dicked-little-friend did that. i never think of you, sQuirty, crunchy, or any of you lying whores, at all. Until confronted with the lies you've all made up.

And even your lies are boring AF. :D

@heygeorge @MadWorld

Gothamgirl ago

You did

I don't know that person. How do you know about that persons dick? 🤪

No one cares what you want, or think, move along retard.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Why are you so fucking boring? I mean, you obviously live in a 'super fabulous fantasy world', that revolves around your inability to comprehend how truly disgusting you really are. Maybe if you didn't try so hard to convince everyone of just how Damned-Wonderful-Ham-Whores-R, they wouldn't think you're so gross.

I used to feel sorry for you, until I realized that...... You're no different than squrty. SAD

Your stupid little friend pinged you first, Dumbshit. -

Gothamgirl ago

No one cares what you think. . Your a total of everyones time. Go back to your sbbh gay shithole. Not reading any of your garbage today.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You think the oldones is my friend. What a moron!

You really are the lowest IQed person here. Congratulations, Whore.

Gothamgirl ago

Don't you having something better to do? You seem to repeat yourself alot you miserable bitch.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It really does suck to be you. Pathetic.

Gothamgirl ago

Romper room, get there.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

GG: I likes RomperRoom, makes me feelz smartz. Oh, and I luv bein' a race mixin' Ho, too.

TheRestoftheWorld: Sit down, and shut the fuck up, retard.


Gothamgirl ago

So you think you speak for the rest of the world? 🤣

When you named yourself that you certainly weren't talking about your psychiatrist!

Shew ho

No one can shut me up accept God.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Was given the name by my husband. Something you'd know nothing about. Never will either.

No one can shut me up accept God.

It's except, retard. You really should read Dante, he has a good explanation for what God does with liars, like you.

Gothamgirl ago

Was given the name by my husband

Shew ho

Take a hint...

I'm confident in my relationship with God and he is the only one who shall be obeyed.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You tried to get people to obey you

Nope, that's the joke that you wouldn't understand, being a retard and all. Nobody obeys, and nobody is expected to. Hey, fagos is talking shit about you, again. Maybe you 2 could duke it out 4 who's the best dragon, again? Went through a lot of popcorn w/ that stupid shit.

@heygeorge @MadWorld @thewebofslime

Gothamgirl ago

Pathetic now your dragging others into your drama.

I'm supposed to know who fagos is? To many around for me to figure that out, and while we are on the subject I get the distint feeling you're a tranny.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You'll never be funny, beyond being pointed to, and laughed at for your looks, and obvious insanity. Still Sucks to be U. whore.


Gothamgirl ago

Why do you feel I care what you think? My looks haha, no definitely proven otherwise. My life is wonderful....

You know what is funny? You're making up a bunch of ridiculous lies just to feed your obese ego.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Says the fat little midget.

Gothamgirl ago

Thats not what your husband thinks I can assure you that 🤣

Shew ho

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Good Gawd. Trying to solicit my husband now? Shameless whorehound.

No dice, he said anyone who climbs on you would prolly need to strap a board to his ass, just to keep from drowning in methhead spunk. And have to get lots of nasty VD shots. He's always right about whores like you and squirty. Too bad no one will ever think enough of you to use you for anything more than a one-off fuck toy.

@heygeorge @gabara Check out GotHamWhore thinking that a real man would find her attractive, when no real man ever has. Too funny. :D

gabara ago

@gothamgirl is married to jeb bush?

Gothamgirl ago

Hell no Mr. Gay Bara.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Idk, but i hear they'll both fuck anything.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't hear shit you make it up. Wtf are you even?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Someone who's seen you brag about all that nasty dick you've taken in. Are you saying you lied? SHOCKING!


Gothamgirl ago

Ok back to making shit up again. You seen me talk about zyklon who only has 1 dick, and it wasn't nasty. He is super clean.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Jfc, No one give a flying fuck about you, or your peen collection.

Gothamgirl ago

You do. So much so, you've stalked me on another site. That's why you refuse to answer my question about what new friend, you would have to admit it. Twice I asked and you ignored...

Get off my crouch cunt

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I told you, the creep who pinged you first in this post, teholdonez.

You are crazy if you think I would stalk you. I don't use other websites. And you are a big fat nothing.

Stop bragging about being a Worthless Chancroid Whore, whore

Gothamgirl ago

@teholdonez is a user that doesn't exist nut job.

No one is bragging about anything psycho.

I am Gothamgirl I have no need to brag.

Ive actually asked you go away numerous times so yes you are a stalker.

Shew Ho

Yet you refuse. Well Im going hunting at 3am so have a great night, Mr/Ms tranny trash mouth

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

and you're too stupid to figure out a typo. Sperm infested, mushy brained, twat. For someone with such a low IQ, and limited vocabulary, you sure do got a whole lot of nothing to say

You are GotHamWhore, who never tells the truth

Ive actually asked you to go away numerous times, so yes you are a stalker.

You just keep lying, every word, a lie. And you keep coming back for more. This makes you the stalker. Go ahead and find those fabled requests of yours. Lying Whore going straight to hell. I don't read your posts or bother with your fantasy world, so how could i possibly stalk you. Show me where I've followed or bothered you. You can't. Go tell your lies to someone who's dumb enough to believe you. No one here does.

Gothamgirl ago

Shew ho

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Oh so very clever. NOT.

Since you're the self admitted, two-bit whore. I'll take that as a compliment. U Nasty Old Camp Follower.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh poor me! I would actually go cry if I actually cared.

Not one single thing you said mattered.

Just a total waste of your own time, and existence honestly.

GothamgirlMatters 😊

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

LOL You matter, just like all the other whores do. Not. One Bit, StalkerWhore.

Gothamgirl ago

"one bit stalkerwhore" - just wow, window licker.

I do matter. I matter alot. I matter to many. Even the dyke on sbbh calls me princess.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're a two-bit LesboWhore? Gross. You don't even know what two-bits is. It figures.

Gothamgirl ago

Nope not me, thats your mother we been through that already.

I do know what 2 bits is. That's not what you said stupid.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What part of 'Not one bit" didn't you understand, stalkerwhore? I used those 3-lettered words, just for you. = not at all. Back on the slag heap, for you, whore. You were right when you said talking to you is a big waste of time, you're just too damn dumb.

Have a fun weekend in your little Fantasy Land. hahaha, truly pathetic. :(

Gothamgirl ago

Shew ho!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yes, you clearly have no cognitive abilities, so I added the missing punctuation that made it so difficult for you to understand the 3-letter words.

You're welcome, WannaBeASquirtyWhore.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha no you lie, your dumbass had it as 2 different sentence, so you added a dot or 2 to cover up your mistake.

And no I don't do those types of videos or give my pics to random men, and I'mnot a whore, so that is also a lie.

Gothamgirl ago

Fuck no never. Not looking for any man.

The name you lame husband gave you sounds like he is a victim of domestic voilence. That's not really funny and its pathetic.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

An uneducated, illiterate whore, such as yourself. Would never be well read enough to figure out what the name means.

But everyone* knows why a man would need a 2x4 strapped to his ass to ride your slide. amirite? hahahahahahahahahaha

U R the Grand Canyon of Bottomless Twats, congrats!

Gothamgirl ago

Your not even a woman, your one of those digusting freaks that chase chinkaziods and hangs out in gay bars, and now your thinking about strap ons hahaha fucking weirdo.

Shew ho

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Says the 'shemale' who's only contribution to the world is being a fuck toy for men who should never have been allowed to touch a woman in the first place. How could you value yourself so little.

Look. I don't hate you, and i do feel sorry for the things squirty and crunchy did to you. But your new friend is the one you should be bitching at, after all, he's the one trying to get everyone to fuck off to a website run by an actual Chicom.

I told you the truth, i don't think of any of you. Not relevant to PG Archives, at all. God forgives truly repentant whore, ya know. You should try it.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha gets busted flips its tune.

My new friend who?

Don't pretend you know about me because if you did, you would know I date one of the sexiest marine snippers/arborists on the planet who thinks the world of me, and more. So nothing said to me on this site will ever change my out look. I have it all...

I would never intentionally date someone like my ex. I didn't know the truth upfront. It was hidden, because we lived in 2 different states. When we lived in Florida there was zero signs of drugs. You can lie to yourself all you want but thats the facts.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Haha gets busted flips its tune.

Haven't been busted, for anything. You're lying, again.

I date one of the sexiest marine snippers/arborists on the planet who thinks the world of me,

Doubtful. But if a marine is dumb enough to date a used up old sperm-dump, like you. Then our country is truly fucked. Marines are nothing but SEALs punchy toys. You sure are dumb.

I have it all...

Yes, we all know about your STD Lifestyle. I wonder if the marine does. Naw, you lie too much to be truthful w/ him. Doncha?

The drugs only surfaced in the last few months.

Yes, we all know you drove him off the wagon, and over a cliff.

Gothamgirl ago

Na he was always a drug addict, just hide it well, and the person you can blame is him. He is an adult.

I did nothing to my ex for hin to get on drugs. what a pathetic and childish answer. You do know he is over 40 years old correct?

You left off the arborist part.. what is your man?


shewhomustbeobeyed ago


The chicompoalshill who pinged you to this post first. She's paid by the comment, apparently. And hell bent on driving people off Voat, and onto poal.

I did nothing to my ex for him to get on drugs. what a pathetic and childish answer. You do know he is over 40 years old right?

I haven't a clue who you speak of. Which of the many inferior 'men' you've shacked up with are you talking about? Never mind, it's unimportant and i'm wholly disinterested.

and you conveniently left off the arborist part

Why should that impress me? Nothing you or your imaginary BF do is impressive. NOTHING.

Nice lies,

Haven't lied once. Unlike you.

what is your man?

Stop trying to molest my husband, you fat fucking Two-Bit Whore.

SEALs really do btfo of Marines. Every, Single. Time. It's the Shame of the Corps.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Your a total of everyones time.


Not reading any of your garbage


soooooo boriing.

@thewebofslime, this delusional whore is very bad news, imo. Please be careful w/ her, the delusions of grandeur, and her FuckedUpFriends.

Gothamgirl ago

I had zero sleep my dog Jem had 7 puppies. So i skipped a word big deal. It's not the end of world.

Crensch ago

@crensch just admitted to me web never doxxed @srayzie. He said web knew who srayzie was but didn't doxx her.

Never happened. Not even close.

You're just a lying kike.

theoldonez ago

glad we agree it didn't happen. your explanation seals it. unless you have two different stories. in one version web worked with pedophiles haha FALSE in the other version @srayzie doxxed herself FACT lol with yelp and titty pictures allowing @katharzo to easily follow breadcrumbs. so which is it faggot?

Crensch ago

She didn't dox herself at all.

Twos absolutely doxxed her.

theoldonez ago

no KatHarszo did you already told me in your link web knew who srayzie was through facial recognition and y9u also left out the part where youbaccused kevdude falsely lolol caught lying and changing your story again bro

Crensch ago

Katharzo didn't dox anyone. She's a stupid fat fuck with no ability to do anything besides post pictures of cats.

Somehow she was convinced to jump on the grenade for Kev for the initial dox info.

Slime still piled on and added to the dox info for a pedophile that was threatening to rape children

thewebofslime ago

I doxxed Hunter Biden. I'm such a bad guy.

It is a lie that I work with any group.

I shared sQuirty's publicly available criminal record.

I was ready for this election and notice /v/Pizzagate pretty slow to the draw on the Hunter Biden pedophilia while I reached a few milion people, this week. Despite many bans and my shredded bot network.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey Webby. What is it you want from PG? To be unbanned? @Vindicator won't do it. If you want to post submissions, you have alts that are free to do so. If not, then why are you wasting your time? You don't need PG, or Voat, so why all the drama?

If you want me to include some of your excellent submissions (no snark) in my PG Archives Sub, I will.

I'd like to include a series of some prolific PG posters. Including you. But I think I'd have to ask @heygeorge's opinion of you, since he owns the sub w/ me, and I haven't found any other trustworthy men, willing to help.

thewebofslime ago


/v/Pizzagate is a joke.

has way mroe traffic and it is automated.

I don't touch it, hardly. Zero work, zero effort. Reaches more people than the travesty that is /v/Pizzagate.

Why would I care if I was banned from that shit hole?

My Twitter account, also automated, also not any work, gets 250k impressions per month.

/v/Pizzagate is lucky to get 200 views on a post.

It is a joke and it is intentional. I would never bother to be associated with it. Notice there is no sticky on how to report crimes. No sticky for an executive summary. Tons of work for work product that gets no views. It's a trap and it is obvious and if you haven't figured it out, you need to wise up.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Then why all your 'sour grapes' submissions? Why are you constantly bitching, and then not even bothering to answer as to what you're upset about? What is the point of this submission, if not to try and pick a fight? And who tf is codemonkey?

You would not like to be included in PG Archives in future. Got it.

It's a trap and it is obvious and if you haven't figured it out, you need to wise up.

Yes it is, but then......So are you.

In more ways than one, prolly. hahaha, :P

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You don't need to work with a group. Since you are your own group. How many alts now, Webby?

Surely you understand how someone like me, aka. techtard, would see you as a threat. I include you with the doxxers, because you are a doxxer. I have no side but truth. Can you say the same?

I'm happy for you and your family, Webby. You should believe me when I say you cannot win a 'show-me-yours-i'll-show-you-mine'contest w/ me, we do not compete in the same realm. You try to accumulate, I'm trying to give it all away, anon. Very difficult.

Your outrage is unwarranted.

No it's not. You do bad things, and I'm pissed.

What are you doing with the information you save? Anything?

Yes. But we're not friends, and i don't trust you. So why tell you?

CodeMonkey resigned.

Please, remind me who that is, and why he resigned? I only know the name from PG archives. I think.

I will outlive the Q movement on both ends.

Ends of what?

What are you doing?

Laundry, Teacher, Own Career, Cooking.

I keep making and collecting archives. Worked on a couple 100 or so, this AM.

Went and voted, mask free, NOT ONCE.

Betcha you're a pussy mask-wearer. Ain't ya? haha, jk.

ggolemg ago

Could it have anything to do with the qoomers leaving for other platforms?

Vladimir_Komarov ago

i think its still just you and me and all of our alts.

thewebofslime ago

From 12,000 to 4,000 average unique visitors. Mission Accomplished?