Ina_Pickle ago

gabara or maybe friendshipistragic

blumen4alles ago

It is probably gabara, they are making alts with names close to other Voat users. Then talking to themselves.

mitoriomyt ago

Where is @Puttitout when you need him to give out the first 2020 Builder badge?

Drstrangegoy ago

i was just bitching at this guy about a post implying incestuous child abuse in a cutesy way.

fightknightHERO ago

Jew subs anyway

OverlordOverdrive42 ago

Pedo doing pedo shit

blueblur ago

Same cocksucker who flooded the front page with “funny” posts.

blumen4alles ago

That is a goal, to flood us with posts when they want to disrupt the site.

maaaxheadroom ago

@gabara and @crensch are having foreplay.

Rotteuxx ago

Looks like Gabara, Katharzso & friendshipistragic might be the drama sluts around here, just from looking at the subs & alts involved.

BetweenEweandLie ago

Disgraceful, open manipulation of Voat

SearchVoatBot ago

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21961586? ago

It’s a mutant amphibian thingamabob.

He is malicious bully of a monster, existing within dreams of as a representation of a real-life bully.

He retaliates by attacking himself and promptly beats himself into submission.

Many forget he also fought against the titular builders heroes. ;)

blumen4alles ago

It is easier to destroy than it is to build. Tells you all you need to know...

21961653? ago

Well, there’s that... we need to be strong this 2020! Hold on bro!

letshavemimosas ago

Stalkers gonna stalk

blumen4alles ago

Chempergrill ago

I think its a sleeper alt of either @gabara or @friendshipistragic.

Also, have a look at @1095673023. 3 day old account with no activity moderating the same bunch of subverses.

friendshipistragic ago


cthulhu69 ago

You sniff the panties of young girls.

friendshipistragic ago

I see someone has never had to sort the laundry before. Your mom do that for you?

cthulhu69 ago

Thanks for confirming that you give the small sized panties the "sniff" test. Fucking pedophile scum.

friendshipistragic ago

I’m honestly disappointed. I was hoping you’d do a better job than this. Come on. You can come up with something better. I believe in you.

cthulhu69 ago

Let us know what "Jamal" thinks of you after he ass rapes you in prison.

friendshipistragic ago

Why are so fixated on the little girl thing by the way? It seems to be on your mind a lot. I’m not judging...much.

cthulhu69 ago

Thats your history, not mine.

friendshipistragic ago

Well I’m personally disappointed in this year’s anime line up. More stupid isekai? It’s so played out.

cthulhu69 ago

chomo looser

friendshipistragic ago

It’s spelled loser. So literacy is an issue? I know some online resources that can help you out.

cthulhu69 ago

Your penis gets hard when you look at cartoons of children.

friendshipistragic ago

Again you want to talk about my penis and children. You need to broaden your horizons. I’m not that great.

cthulhu69 ago

Weak, chomo.

blumen4alles ago

Yep I noticed @1095673023. Also @LisaScienceQueen.

So many alts...

OverlordOverdrive ago

Don't for get that @clamhurt_legbeard is @Zaebos_11 because... ya know.... that's who created the subverse and now who owns it. Oh and @heygeorge is @mick, and @PuttItOut is still missing.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i am zaebos

OverlordOverdrive ago

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Ha, you got me!!

Rotteuxx ago

That alt is connected to the /v/aww drama

blumen4alles ago

Who, Lisa? I bet.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, i remember it well.

blumen4alles ago

not_saying_a_thing ago

I could have sworn there were limits to the number of subs one could moderate here. Is it...3? Or 5?

Chempergrill ago

it was 10

ThisIsMyRealName ago

This is why I requested MDE, so someone else doesn't come along and power trip it.

offender ago

fuck off kike

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Das juden you have found

Broc_Lia ago

Aren't those all soapbox subs? They regularly ban/unban people for the fun of it. I wouldn't read too much into it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's a soapbox account transferring to his new name.

This is the fifth post I've seen about this meaningless nonsense. OP is trying to stir up drama.

Drstrangegoy ago

dude theres more to this. I know your perspective on "stirring up drama" but I firmly believe there is a dark agenda at work here. ive watched these guys closely for a long time and they are organized. and this guys posts have a familiar feel to them, don't you think?

heygeorge ago

watched these guys closely for a long time and they are organized

You must not have been watching that closely if you describe... wait, maybe gabara is organized

Drstrangegoy ago

wait......who do you think I mean when I say "these guys"? I've always liked people like you, nadeshda, friendship is tragic, shitsinhoneypots. you convinced me you were just normal shitposters. I even think gabby is so autistic he just naturally glows. I was talking about zyklon and his army. and i'm sure not even all of those guys are in on the big picture. what are you talking about?

heygeorge ago

Oh good, I was apparently confused. How is zyklon involved here?

Drstrangegoy ago

so i'm the only one who thinks overlord overdrive thinks and writes just like zyklon?

heygeorge ago


Drstrangegoy ago

oh. i'll…….just see my way out.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

overlord is gabara

Drstrangegoy ago

that little shit......

OverlordOverdrive ago


Drstrangegoy ago

dude. what is your problem? everybody loves you because youre fun. but you're obsessed with this disgusting edgy shit. you told me once who you worked for and I dismissed it as more "satire". but your commitment to it is suspicious. not suspicious, alarming. it reeks of manipulation. why are you doing this? for the lols? i'm just not buying it.

OverlordOverdrive ago

You're truing to manipulate me with peer pressure? Fuck you!

Drstrangegoy ago

i dont manipulate anybody. I just calls it as I sees it.

OverlordOverdrive ago

don't brow beat me. I was immunized from that in my church youth group. jackasses.

Drstrangegoy ago

whats your game, then? just bored?

Drstrangegoy ago

hmmm......wait a minute. then you are...…….!

blumen4alles ago

Not trying to stir up drama, just making others aware.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Every 4 hours? lol

21961534? ago

What on Voat? Outrageous...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I wouldn't care except it's the same, resolved drama.

As bad as crying about people saying mean things over your e-gf who sent you lewd pictures.

21961636? ago

I hear ya, if only we can get back to Voat basics.

  1. Don’t believe everything you read. Lurk moar feggett...

  2. Ask questions privately before making a fool of yourself publicly.

  3. Get a sense of humor in a dark, lonely world and hold onto what is good!

  4. Grow some balls.

Amirite? ;)

clamhurt_legbeard ago


AlexanderMorose13 ago

Fuck yeah. Also racism is something that the world needs more of so make sure to bring up racial differences as often as possible because it's freaking hilarious.

21962414? ago

Pointing out the differences makes insecure, immature people have an opportunity to think. It’s a public service.

Boyakasha ago

Bullshit subs with bullshit in it. Shocker.

virge ago

@gabara bot 3.2!

NotHereForPizza ago

Are you done acting like I'm crazy or stupid yet?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @MadJackChurchill.

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blumen4alles ago

I didn't think you were crazy or stupid.