VoatContainmentGuard ago

I thought someone asked her hubby on Facebook to ask her who at Voat sent her dick pics?

ExpertShitposter ago

@theoldones this is not OK. you are not leading by example here.

theoldones ago

none of you fuckers have any principle. fuck you.

ExpertShitposter ago

relax frien

theoldones ago

fuck off.

ExpertShitposter ago

no fren. we frens.

theoldones ago

no fren. we frens.

we are not, you are a faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

freeeen. why hate when you can love fren?

theoldones ago

because you suck dick.

ExpertShitposter ago

i will report you (to god) if you continue being un frenly

theoldones ago


you have no power here, christcuck

ExpertShitposter ago

i am not that fren, i am agnostic

Memorexem ago

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You retards are still on about that shit?

Rotteuxx ago

I gotta get my cheap daytime entertainment from somewhere.

theoldones ago

you claim posting certain info isnt doxxing but you're fucking wrong because doxxing is doxxing and your intent was clearly to doxx.

dont doxx people.

Rotteuxx ago

Empty claims devout of any supporting evidence.

Source your shit, faggot.

Show us where and when I shared personal real world info about her personal life which she hadn't already made public herself.

You got cucked by @Srayzie, what dirt does she have on you ?

Did you share dick pics with her ?

Not surprised a keyboard warrior making death threats online resorts to these ractics.

theoldones ago

Empty claims devout of any supporting evidence.

empty my ass

your intent was to doxx her, and you have no other fucking explanation for what you did

Rotteuxx ago

Prove your claim with supporting evidence or stfu you beta keyboard warrior.

theoldones ago

Prove your claim with supporting evidence or stfu you beta keyboard warrior.


that was what the whole sub was for

that was the whole reason you were finding and posting information

bullshit it was for memes, you wanted her gone.

Rotteuxx ago


Prove my intent.

that was what the whole sub was for

Prove your claim.

that was the whole reason you were finding and posting information

Link to my posts, prove your claim.

bullshit it was for memes, you wanted her gone.

Prove my intent.