God loves them and has called them to leave, some never will

If the two of you are going to continue to try and tear [sic] down, instead of support and educate

I support and educate the users by exposing Catholic corruption Swmbo.

If Vindicator never leaves his Cult, at least I can publically shame him to keep others from falling into his trap.

While I did not receive this PM, Vindicator hasn't denied sending it.

"the Pope isn't Catholic" is as delusional as "pizzagate isn't real"

WolfShepherd ago

I finally caught him.

His own posts usually have 2 links.


yet not "sourced". We've found out why!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Okay, so I guess bears don't shit in the woods, either.

You were pinged into the rest of my convo with @wolfshepherd, so you know what I think now.

voatusernamevoat ago

Doesn't believe in jesus resurrection so..

WolfShepherd ago

@nomochomo I wasn't lying lol

THSenior ago

And I’m not lying when I say youre a full fledged retard

WolfShepherd ago

"You're a retard "

Great comeback when evidence is presented.

Are you catholic?

Diggernicks ago

Definite Catholic.

He's massively butthurt when people call him out on his brainwashed world views.

WolfShepherd ago

His knees are raw from kneeling, his lips cracked and bleeding from ring kissing

And a sore asshole from francis