SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

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Antiracist10 ago

@Crensch is a stupid faggot.

Crensch ago

At this stage, I can't really count how many people @Crensch has accused of doxxing @srayzie.

Today, he is still bitching about me, but we already know from the ban logs that he has accused numerous people of the same thing.

In fact, @crensch has no idea who it was and is merely using the accusation as a way to censor people and destroy Voat.

At this stage, Voat is not open to the public, is not archivable and posting research here is pointless. A sad way to go.

I hope to see things improve, but it won't as long as @crensch is allowed to have any credibility.

I have avoided talking about it because I consider the subject to be drama spam. But this was worth mentioning since he is a crybaby who won't let it go.

All I want to do is post research and music and, apparently, that is more than he can handle.

Above written by @thewebofslime

Crensch ago

OP has, by my non-exhaustive count, made 35 claims about two users here in 2 weeks that he has not supported with anything but more claims.

Here is a quick rundown of 27 of them.

Op doxes people, then attacks them and claims they did what he did, or worse, and that he didn't do anything wrong, but admits he doxxed.

So when I attempt to hold him accountable for his admitted doxxing, he claims I am making the same accusation against multiple people - that he was the FIRST to doxx. I never once said anything about who was the first one to drop IRL info.

He admits to dropping a significant amount of IRL info that was not publicly shared here before, but try to call him out for it and he'll lie about you and what you're actually claiming and wanting him to answer for.

thewebofslime ago

You banned different people for the same instance of doxxing.

Confirmed liar. Who was it really? Was it you? Did you doxx @srayzie so you could blame everyone?

Who actually did it @crensch?

If it was me, then your ban against @kevdude should be reversed, as well as everyone else you banned for the same doxx.

Or will you refuse to even try to find the first instance of doxxing because it was you?

If you were sincere in your accusation, you would unban everyone but me for the same instance of doxxing.

Go ahead. Put your money where your mouth is.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#62315) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@thewebofslime: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago


Crensch ago

You banned different people for the same instance of doxxing.

If user A doxes a pic -

If user B doxes a name -

If user C doxes unredacted court documents -

They all doxxed. But WoS doesn't want you to realize that he was user C, and just one part of the doxing.

Who actually did it @crensch?

D: All of the above.

Shizie ago

I like how that faggot white knights for kevdude!