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Crensch ago

Oh, that was pretty obvious when I realized SBBH is nothing but a bunch of Jewish leftists that white-knight for her.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Fuck off. Do not libel our good name.

Crackrocknigga ago

You have a shit name, I could find you all at a fucking synagogue

Crensch ago

Oh, do you prefer calling yourselves "MAPs"?

Jews are usually the pedophiles and child-killers, too. Which fits exactly with your best buddy, Zyklon, who couldn't get the rape and murder of a child off his mind for over a month.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago


Crensch ago


Did I post constantly about the rape and murder of a child for over a month?

Did I stay friends with someone that did?


How is that projection, then?

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

He was just posting that stuff to scare @srayzie off the site. He was just LARPing. Disinformation is necessary, like Q says.

Crensch ago

He was just posting that stuff to scare @srayzie off the site. He was just LARPing. Disinformation is necessary, like Q says.

He's a violent convict. He posted constantly about the rape and murder of a child.

But keep defending him; I'm sure some other Jew will agree with you.

heygeorge ago

Oh, that was pretty obvious when I realized SBBH is nothing but a bunch of Jewish leftists that white-knight for her.

You haven’t lost your ‘gift’ for satire. I’m thankful

Crensch ago

You haven’t lost your ‘gift’ for satire. I’m thankful

Not satire at all. That's the guy you fuckbags rallied around.

heygeorge ago

Are you changing the topic? You are. That’s ok.

Crensch ago

Oh, I forgot, leftist Jews don't support their claims with anything at all, they just say it over and over again, CNN style until the sheeple accept the claims as fact.

"Changing the topic"

kek <----



heygeorge ago

The topic: Accusation of ‘white knighting’ for @trigglypuff with no evidence

Meanwhile, you: Proud white knight, titty pic viewer of sexually abused individual on Voat who now bans for hurt feelings. Unable to gain self awareness, changes topic to another user (respite of those without argument), name calls (another respite of those without argument), throws in an MSM reference, and ‘keks’ about it.

Crensch ago

The topic: Accusation of ‘white knighting’ for @trigglypuff with no evidence

Meanwhile, you: Proud white knight, titty pic viewer

That's all you have on me. That last part. I viewed pics that were sent to me.

Good job!

of sexually abused individual

We both know this isn't relevant, it's meant as an emotional bait. Glow more.

on Voat who now bans for hurt feelings.

Oh, we both know it's much more than that. Or do we? Are you not as smart as the only male half-nigger that admits to being a half nigger on your side? Well, half something that's subhuman, I forget.

And to be fair, he tried to stay neutral.

Unable to gain self awareness, changes topic to another user (respite of those without argument)

Oh, no. Your response wasn't clear on its context. I responded to one possible meaning of your beta-tier, ambiguous response.

name calls (another respite of those without argument)

You didn't have any problem with my invective when it wasn't directed at you and your ilk. Now you have a problem with it? Kek.

We both know I argue better than anyone on your side. All you have is the Jewish reset button that causes people to gradually begin to hate you.

throws in an MSM reference, and ‘keks’ about it.

Aww, you don't like being compared to CNN? I suppose it WAS a bit of a compliment for you. CNN does a much better job of hiding their intentions and pretending to not make shit up.

It also helps that their media type makes it a little more difficult to call them out on their bullshit.

God, I can smell the butthurt, here.

heygeorge ago

I’m not reading any of your self-aggrandizing retarded drivel tonight. I hope you enjoyed the time you spent creating it.

TheBuddha ago


That was beautiful.

Crensch ago

I’m not reading any of your self-aggrandizing retarded drivel tonight. I hope you enjoyed the time you spent creating it.

I know you're not, because you cannot respond to it without looking like a Jew, and some part of your left nostril knows it.

Always happy to mock a leftist Jew doing what he does best.

heygeorge ago

Lol if you can’t express yourself without writing a book, it’s not my fault. It’s objectively funny for you to accuse anyone of being a white knight. End of story!

Crensch ago

Lol if you can’t express yourself without writing a book, it’s not my fault.

It's almost like Jews really are low IQ and don't want to have to read a lot... just like niggers!

It’s objectively funny for you to accuse anyone of being a white knight. End of story!

It's objectively funny for you to think that's an insult when you had a literal pedophile in your midst, that we knew about, for over a month, and you and your ilk did nothing against him. Oh, lots of your biggest names are either halfbreeds or race traitors, too.

But let's harp on how I'm white knighting for a woman that deserved exactly none of what was done to her!

heygeorge ago

Lol I already told you I’m not engaging in your line by line crap tonight, but do keep writing.

I'm white knighting

I caught that bit tho, so maybe you are capable of growth.

Crensch ago

Lol I already told you I’m not engaging in your line by line crap tonight, but do keep writing.

Oh, I know you're not. But others will read this and see how your chain is tucked. It's a good look for a Jew, to a Jewess, but Aryans won't find it terribly appealing.

I caught that bit tho, so maybe you are capable of growth.

That wasn't an admission, it was a mockery of everything you and your ilk proverbially died on that hill for; but nice cherrypicking and attempting to change the context of what was actually said, and what was obviously meant by it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago
