WhiteRonin ago

Don’t give up! Keep up the fight!

sguevar ago

Oh no, don't get me wrong.

I am not quitting the fight. I am simply taking a big break after a hectic month. The defense of v/ProtectVoat was carried out successfully. u/Crensch has shown his true colors in front of Voat just as I thought he would. And his pride doesn't let him see how much he has lost. That is on him to find out on his own of course because no matter how many times we repeat to him that he has corrupted his ways and that he sold out to convenience, the only one that can make the change is him.

I told him I would stand before him and Voat and I did. And by doing so Voat saw what he has become and so what his supporters have become. That is enough for me. As I told on my story: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3273482, "The typhoon became a whistle, the very same thing he mocked others to be... sad end for the typhoon because great things he would have accomplished if he had only listened to the voice of reason."

I will probably comeback (if u/kevdude and u/Dismember let me ofc) as with his last comment is clear that he still thinks he can attack v/ProtectVoat. But for the time being I got myself a good deserved rest and will still hang around the sub in case his group jumps in and tries to attack it.

In the end, from all the parties involved in this matter, (the zyklon_b crew, the Crensch crew and v/ProtectVoat) the only one that didn't support doxxing of users and defended the users victims of such things was v/ProtectVoat. That certainly burns him (u/Crensch).

So if he wants to still attack, well he knows now very well that I will make sure to show Voat what his corrupted cause is all about... again.

Dismember ago

You have some good stuff to say. Keep talking and putting out your ideas.

sguevar ago

Sure will, thanks for the support!

Crensch ago

Smells like winning.

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, the larping Gago

VoatContainmentGuard ago

So....you like tacos, eh?

sguevar ago

Is that so?

And why is that?

Please indulge me with a serious response. Waiting.

thewebofslime ago

@Crensch isn't actually capable of winning an argument, so he just resorts to insults. It is a clear sign that there is no justification for his behavior.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

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WhiteRonin ago

He bans people

sguevar ago

Well to be honest with you I am truly disappointed with u/Crensch behavior.

I know he is a prideful man but his pride has blinded him to the point that he is unable to see that he has failed.

For example, what is he winning?

  • Lost of his credibility on Voat.
  • Corruption of his cause.
  • Engaging in power moderation
  • Supporting doxx attempts against his counterparts

I mean, I can't understand how is it that my decision of leaving v/ProtectVoat for personal reasons is in any way, a win to him. I haven't expressed any displeasure with u/kevdude nor the sub at all. So why does he sees this as a win?

Maybe it seems that is an open door for him to attack the sub as I am no longer within it and he had failed so poorly to character assassinate me before.

I don't know what his delusion is at this moment that he thinks he is winning.

And clearly he can't give a valid answer to it.

After all I was the one that reported the doxx done by the user he attempted to defend here: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3274898

But i digress...

thewebofslime ago

The only way he can maintain credibility is by calling into question the credibility of others. The spell is broken, though. Everyone sees it for what it is.