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gabara ago

You're talking in circles which is a bad sign. Doxing is against the site rules so beatle got banned. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. GG attacked Srayzie first, becaue she's jealous that srayzie is a beautiful woman and a successful mom. Losers hate winners. If Srayzie made a few bad choices after than, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK KEVDUDE, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! Seriously, GothamGirl started ALL of this with her insane jealousy. GG even keeps lying and saying Beatle doesnt do drugs. We both know how wrong that is. GOTHAMGIRL IS VOAT'S NEW CANCER.

Now that's it, I'm done with all of this, I spoke with Putt and I agreed to stay out of this and just post dank memes like this:

And if you don't like this video, you are a goddamn interior crocodile alligator!

Gothamgirl ago

GG attacked Srayzie first, becaue she's jealous that srayzie is a beautiful woman and a successful mom. Losers hate winners..

Oh wow you're a lying shill. First of the bitch weighs like 200 more pounds then I and looks like a clown.

She is a convicted criminal I am not, nor have I ever done anything illegal in my whole life. How could she be a winner with arrests and when she is a whore who used drugs?

Shizie ago

She is a convicted criminal I am not, nor have I ever done anything illegal in my whole life. How could she be a winner with arrests and when she is a whore who used drugs?

I find it absolutely reprehensible that a supposed "Pizzagate researcher" should have so little understanding and compassion about the dynamics and impact that victims of childhood sexual abuse face. You pretend to care about kids who have been sexually abused, yet these are the types of sickening comment you make about a woman who was raped as a child?

After all Srayzie has been through, he'll yeah she is an absolute winner and an inspiration for other victims! She has never pretended to be perfect, but she has overcome addiction. Addictions which came as a direct result of her childhood trauma!

The fact that she survived not just her hildhood abuse, but her years of addiction are a testament to her strength and tenacity! She also openly admits if it were not for the unconditional love of her father and her husband, she would not have survived.

You are so overcome with jealousy that you have shown yourself to be a fake ass pizzagater! You don't care about victims, you only care about virtue signaling and pretending to be better than everyone else.

Try and educate yourself on the outcomes for kids who have been sexually abused so that you don't keep perpetuating your ignorance on the subject and further harming victims!

Gothamgirl ago

You expect me to believe a liar, who doesn't honor her own family?

Well that's when I stopped reading. I am going on vacation Lapdog 🖐️

Shizie ago

You expect me to believe a liar, who doesn't honor her own family?

You expect everyone to believe you- a selfish bitch who denied her children from having a stable family because you refused to marry their father.

You don't care about victims of abuse, you stalk and dox them.

I didn't dox you. You husband did.

But it's funny you say this because your crackhead lover was just banned on two accounts for doxxing srayzie's info and posting pictures of her minor children!

How disgusting can you two be?!

Don't answer that, you're both pretty disgusting. Are you now going to be enraged with jealousy because your adoring husband said this about srayzie's daughter?

Enjoy your white trash vacation cunt! No matter what wonderful place you go to, you and ZB will still be there trashing it up and ruining the experience for everyone around you!

Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie was harassing my family way before that happened, and she is criminal, junkie and whore..

Go fuck yourself, pedos like you are fucking the world up cunt. You have ruined the experience for everyone around you on just this site for YEARS...

HollaKost ago

Your own husband says you're the liar!

So no one on voat will ever believe a thing you say cunt!

pedos like you are fucking the world up cunt.

Yes pedos like your husband are fucking up the world!

He fantasizes about sodomizing little boys. Everytime he has sex with you, that's why he's really thinking about. How ficking sick are you two freaks! Barf!

And just for fun since you're a jealous bitch

Your husband is writing about another woman's backside! But he really loves you 😂🖕🏻

Gothamgirl ago

I don't lie and we were broken up at the time which you used to your slutty advantage, is what your admitting.

He doesn't mean anything he says on here, actually in real life I cannot tell when he is serious or joking and neither can his mother.