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Crensch ago

Yeah, but you sure will give them the leads they need to move forward.

You gave them privately-sent info that got them closer and closer to her.

You think you aren't to blame here? They were threatening her kids months ago.

I'm sure your god will forgive you.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove this with links "they were threatening her kids months ago!"

"They" and "months" ago means more then 1. I will wait...

Crensch ago

Oh, no! You got me on a minor technicality. OVER A MONTH AGO.

There you go, trollface.

Gothamgirl ago

Show links to where "they" threatened her kids then, or stop lying loser. If I recall it was 1 person and his whole account be this is satire.

Crensch ago

Nobody cares about his license to Jew, you fat skank.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove that I am fat without sharing a stolen, 8 year old picture, of me when I was on a bunch of steriods so I could walk.

Shizie ago

Prove that I am fat without sharing a stolen, 8 year old picture, of me when I was on a bunch of steriods so I could walk.

Here you go:

You posted this one yourself.

Gothamgirl ago

So what do think of your friend then? She obviously a much bigger person.

Shizie ago

Oh so you're finally going to admit you know I'm not Srayzie? Good job tubby!

Gothamgirl ago

I don't know if are or are not, I know you answer to lapdog daily, and you have made statements very much like a pedophile.