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Gothamgirl ago

I already reported her a year ago when she called my house and kids school and I mistakenly thought she did something to my phone. I am recording everything she ever did externally.

Qtiepie ago

You even admitted you were wrong cunt. @Shizie pulls your strings the most. She works you like a fiddle. You deserve it. But you always think it's me

Shizie ago

She's fucking crazy that's why! She even admits she has mental issues.

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah and Crensch swear this is thinner then me 😂🤣😂

Take you freak show and fuck off pedo. We know you hang out here and probably come from the same cult coughcough the whore does Celebration church right? Do you help victims there?

Taco Dog

1915 E Main St #7, Spartanburg, SC 29307 (864) 542-8058

Crensch ago

You have to try to dox kids to win.

You fail so hard at everything you do.

Gothamgirl ago

I have not doxed anyone, you had no problems doxing me with Braun whatever the fuck account. Quit your bitching..

Crensch ago

Braun? That guy is a faggot and hates me for some reason.

I never doxxed anyone. You and your husband most certainly did.

You were the first to mention lots of information that is not publicly available. It's all been archived and recorded, so delete or edit away.

And you still fail, because you had to try and threaten kids in order to win, and you still have to look at that horror that is your face every morning in the mirror.

Gothamgirl ago

You shared a link to dox my pic and make fun of me. You really have some fucking nerve...

Do you know Srayzie family and kids are Mexican?

I knew as I listened to your stupid ass, also knew the pics of her that were passed around was her touched up version she is pushing 350 Crensch 😂🤣😂 holy shit she is diabetes..

Crensch ago


Even if all of that is true, you're beyond ugly, fat, your kids are failures, your husband is a failure, and you are a failure. You're also beyond stupid.

And your husband's art includes dead kids and a child riding a seatless bicycle. Both of you are sick fucks, and you know it.

Gothamgirl ago

I am not fat. My kids are very successful. But I will make sure I keep your comments posted under shit qtards say on my new site and add all her pictures I have hundreds of her 600lb life, looks quit dreadful..

Someone freed willy and her gunt looks like mount Everest.

That wasn't me that said it stop trying to blame me for, the person you call a "constant liar"

Crensch ago

I am not fat. My kids are very successful.

Yes you are, and no they aren't.

But I will make sure I keep your comments posted under shit qtards say on my new site and add all her pictures I have hundreds of her 600lb life, looks quit dreadful..

Kek. It's still so amusing that you faggots think this bothers me.

Someone freed willy and her gunt looks like mount Everest.

Even if that were true, your face could scare a dog away.

That wasn't me that said it stop trying to blame me for, the person you call a "constant liar"

You are. You gaslight, and pretend you haven't been thoroughly destroyed with every narrative you've attempted to cook up.

You're beyond stupid, and fat, and you have a face even a mother couldn't love.

Gothamgirl ago

Lol my kid was an engineer at 18, and my kid could literally destroy you in real life Crensch. He was a 10th mountain sapper. While everyone else runs for cover, my kid literally goes towards the bombs, and then dismantles them with his own hands.

That's him:

And that's him and friends.

Crensch ago

Sounds like that didn't work out too well for him. Maybe better qualified individuals should do such a thing. You know, smarter ones.

Is he as ugly as his mother?

Gothamgirl ago

Didnt work out for him? He is in the reserves, has a job, just about finished college and is trying become a paramedic , so he is looking for an new job. Why are you interested in the way kid looks are you gay?

Crensch ago

Didnt work out for him? Although he fufilled his contract with the military, He is still in the reserves now, has a job, just about finished college and is trying become a paramedic , so he is looking for an new job while disabled himself.

Yeah, sounds like he lost a limb... or was it your cuisine that fattened him up so that he lost his limb?

Why are you interested in the way my kid looks, are you gay?

Your husband is the one that wants to see a male child riding a seatless bike.

Haha you protect a beaner bitch with biggest hoiknose, and her taco family on a daily basis who are all ugly, sadly even the kids..

I really only care about making sure you feel as awful about yourself as you should.

Gothamgirl ago

My kid has his limbs and plently of muscle to.

You can't make me feel anything because I already you know you're one of the biggest liars on here.

My husband is a comedian if you can't take jokes you shouldn't be on the internet. You speak of killing people just because of race and you don't care the age because they're "subhuman" so does that make you a serial killer?

Shizie ago

Beauty queen 😂😂😂

Gothamgirl ago

Compared to this! Fuck yes.

Shizie ago

Even in her worst picture she's 10x's better looking than you, and you can't stand it! 🤣

Gothamgirl ago

I hope in twenty too years I dont look that like that walking heartache.