Chingadera ago

They found her, posted her city, and it was all thanks to you losing her name.

Chingadera ago

GothamGirl doxed herself by putting her own name on voat. She has claimed this herself.

Big difference between using someone self doxed name vs the way zyklon_b obtained srayzie's real name (yeah I'm looking at you kevdude).

auto_turret ago

Thanks @Crensch for showing me which ones require more DV. Ban happy whore needs to disappear from this place. Couldn't tell you in the post itself because.. ban happy whore. Just check out that reason for ban..

BraunF14 ago

Was it "other"?

Crensch ago

All these flavors, and you choose salty.

auto_turret ago

So I should just shut my mouth and accept? Lay back and let it happen?

You let her get to you man, stop the orbiting.

Crensch ago

Yes, but probably for different reasons than you think.

I love that so many of you still haven't figured out what's really going on here.

auto_turret ago

Dont care what's "really going on"

I dont like being banned for petty reasons by actual whores.

Crensch ago

You're not really important anyway. Enjoy your voting spree.

auto_turret ago

Says the self important beta orbiter.. damn you're dense.

Crensch ago

You mean zyklon? He got banned.

Gothamgirl ago

Another thing is Srayzie doxed herself.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Don’t hold your breath.

Bet you never got an answer about that link on preview either did you

heygeorge ago

Bet you never got an answer about that link on preview either did you

What’s this about?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

His post I protect VOAT about crensch and GA

heygeorge ago

I don’t recall that one on the preview site.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

It is on the chat feature sticky post near the top.

heygeorge ago

Oh, you mean kev’s shit hijack comment trying to get puttsy’s attention?

I commented on this behavior weeks ago.


RockmanRaiden ago

Well now. What exactly constitutes 'doxxing?' That conversation has played out many times over by now. Precedents were set.

WhiteRonin ago

Some Jews think they are smooth. Lol

sosat_menya_reddit ago

you have to ask Benjamin cuz hes in charge

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Is Benny a Jew?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

You better believe it!

sosat_menya_reddit ago

VOAT doesn't deserve to live

Thissandwich ago

Both sides of his argument is a cacophony of bitching and moaning.

RockmanRaiden ago

Double standard. If Zyklon can get away with it, so can Srayzie and Crensch.

Cry more.

BraunF14 ago

I've never shown support for zyklon. Hell im not sure if I've replied to him either

sosat_menya_reddit ago

They have.

Fuck you

RockmanRaiden ago

You know you're all acting like a bunch of fucking pussies right? It reflects poorly on this place.

WhiteRonin ago

Enjoy pics of your great leader!

Blacksmith21 ago

Downvoated because I'm sick of listening to this shit. Get a life.

Goathole ago

@Puttitout doesn't give a fuck about the fucking rules when it's his little bitch srayzie or you fucking cuntfucks from ProtectVoat.

Fuck all of you. You are fucking cancer.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I've recently come to the same conclusion

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Eat dik filthy incel

sosat_menya_reddit ago

The site owner @puttitout was purchased by a guy named Benjamin Franklin

Do what do we do? Burn it down. It won’t be hard. If half the racist and anti Semitic posts on this site were distributed to the MSM this place will melt in minutes

VOAT burned my friend in favor of an adulterous, exhibitionist slut. Now I will burn it down.

Glory_Beckons ago

Do what do we do? Burn it down. It won’t be hard. If half the racist and anti Semitic posts on this site were distributed to the MSM this place will melt in minutes

Whenever you don't get your way, your true colors show.

Your friend earned his fate by his own actions and unwillingness to learn, nothing else. And you're clearly no smarter than him.

You SoapBoxAntifa faggots are vermin. You're only content when you get to slowly poison this place from within. And the moment there's any kind of push back, you stir up drama and escalate and threaten to do worse. But, every time you do, a few more people grow wise to what you really are. Looks like Putt is finally starting to see it too.

@PuttItOut would do well to get rid of all of you. This place could flourish without you lot weighing it down.

ESOTERICshade ago

@PuttItOut would do well to get rid of all of you. This place could flourish without you lot weighing it down.

Ban Hammer needs to come down hard on crensch. Take no prisoners. He is Voat battery acid. In my wildest imagination I don't why putt has not kicked that piece of shit to the curb.

Yes i'm talking about you crensch without pinging you because you will only chimp out. Come chimp out bitch crensch. I will only laugh at your t shirt selling grifter ass.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I think you should fuck yourself. Since you are too stupid to fuck yourself im going to fuck you

WhiteRonin ago

So do you support whores and cheaters?

Glory_Beckons ago

I'm not supporting anyone here.

I'm pointing out that the SoapBoxFagBait clique exhibits the same behavior and tactics as Antifa, SRS, and similar herds of losers and degenerates that revel in spreading chaos and misery and ganging up to bully those who can't fight back, because of the brief illusion of power and significance that it gives them.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Agreed 💯%

WhiteRonin ago

I want @virge to buy me out and prove he’s right. I told @srayz to crowd fund him.

I do need this account nor voat. I just want their shekels.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Get it while you can I'm torching this place. I got a month off starting tomorrow with nothing to do but mow the pastures and fuck up voat

WhiteRonin ago

Wrong group but the right song!

WhiteRonin ago

Gawd yes! But so do most people on this site.

Haven’t you noticed?

Glory_Beckons ago

No, it's pretty much just you guys.

WhiteRonin ago

No, it’s not.

Gawd, you are one them. Fuck

Glory_Beckons ago

One of whom?

WhiteRonin ago

Part of the ones you accused me of being.

Srayz ago

I agree and I am pretty sure that sosat_menya_reddit is a GothamGirl alt. That's Zyklon's wife.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

You stupid Cunt. I am nobody's alt. I got here at the same time as the qcumbers in v/QRV and almost immediately you were a power mod bitch to me when I questioned your larp. You banned me and then told me off and unbanned me. I got nothin but love ha ha ha. Good news is your limp dick piece of shit bouncer @crensch banned me after I humiliated you last night so I won't be posting in your shit hole any more.

Srayz ago

Well thanks for the heads up nigga.

Crensch ago

Someone has skin in this game. Taking this stuff personally shows that you're probably not who you say you are.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

My former doc told me I take everything to seriously. He was partially right I take everything seriously and when i am angered I lose my caution and gain single minded focus.

Burning don the house

Crensch ago

Seriously, here's your gas canister. Have at it. I started the fire weeks ago.

Gothamgirl ago

No you are a liar.

WhiteRonin ago

Nope. It’s not.

Why the fuck do you share your pictures like a common whore? I thought you were a respectable woman. I was wrong about one thing at least!

Srayz ago

Is that me too? You guys have shared pics of at least 4 different women now that you claim are me. You look pathetic. Yet you still can't come up with a titty pic that I supposedly sent you?

WhiteRonin ago

Prove I’m wrong or buy me out.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

this place wont flourish. It wont exist. I promise.

It wont be me that did it it will be @crensch and the whore of babylon @srayz

BraunF14 ago

Voat would never be ended by mainstream media or government action. It will continue to persist at this point. It has gone the distance. But of it did somehow, people like Crensch and srayzie would be implicate

sosat_menya_reddit ago

My buddy Z was wacked because an overbearing @crensch who in his addled mind thinks he is superior and a exhibitionist slut @srayzie who is a control freak who uses her inner slut as a tool. You are 100% correct those two will be the demise of voat.

I'm not vested here. I have made some friends and I will stand in front of my friends no matter what anyone else thinks of them.

MSM might not crush voat but I bet its competitors would love to. A bit of poking in the right direction, a bit if sensationalized news on the MSM, maybe some links to illegal or at least questionable material and BAM!

It is an election year so I am sure that almost all of those leftwing idiots would love to have a site like VOAT to bludgeon their opponent with. If you havent noticed there are not a lot of "heels up Harris" supporters here.

I came here because it was a free and open site. I grew tired of purposefully getting banned from reddit so I came here. I am growing tired of watching VOAT turn fascist. I have been here almost a year. I think it is time for me to find a new and fun endeavor whatever that may be

As I type this it is sounding more and more fun. If it comes to fruition I hope you remember who is responsible and it isn't me.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think it is time for me to find a new and fun endeavor whatever that may be

Me too. I have model airplanes, drones, boats, computers, trucks, a badass nice house, bird feeders, ....I got toys. Bored with them all. I"m thinking about getting a puppy, a little buddy. Border Collie.

I have access to the river but its not remote enough for me. I'm thinking about buying a couple of acres of land in a REALLY primitive place and do some survival type shit, but I gotta have my internet, just because. I can shoot an internet connection for miles with a Yagi Antenna. I dunno.....

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I buy propane and internet service (at least that is what they call it) I provide everything else. My closest neighbor is a half mile and the second closest over a mile.

When home I have too much to do. When I’m working I got nothing to do.

ESOTERICshade ago

When home I have too much to do. When I’m working I got nothing to do.


BraunF14 ago

Goddamnit look we received something good from the Q wave afteall. Welcome to my circle, friend.

ESOTERICshade ago

Goddamnit look we received something good from the Q wave afteall.

Like what? I was all comfy in my v/pizzagate nest digging into the bowels of hell of child abuse until the fuck head mods of pizzagate decided to try to move the merchandise selling grifters of Q into pizzagate. I WAS NOT having it and that is where I got ran into the ditch.

Qbees need to kill themselves so that America Can Be Great Again. I thought about resurfacing as the new Qanon after the last grifter milked all the T Shirt sales out of it so that I could finally lead the lemmings over the cliff and cause them to commit suicide.

Fuck those destructive Q TARDS

oneinchterror ago

You should just kill yourself instead and save us your melodramatic kvetching.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Oh fuck no. I'm killing everyone.

oneinchterror ago

You'd better not be bluffing

Crensch ago

I love those salty tears.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Do they taste as sweet as my salty taint you pathetic excuse for a man.

I know that didn't bother you since little jew sissies are used to it.

so tell me little man, when this shit crashes are you going back to reddit?

Crensch ago


ImJewish6million ago

And I love Clovis, California. And the name Suzie. Too bad some women desecrate that name...

Crensch ago

I love it, too. Sounds like some poor girl is waiting for you there.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

is it sad that NO girl is waiting for you ANYWHERE?

Burning down the house

Crensch ago

Is that what you tell yourself in the mirror?

Burn away, I started the fire. Want a gas canister?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

No but thanks for offering

I can give you a list of mundane chores

Crensch ago

I've already done my work, now I'm going to watch the fruits of it as others take up the standard and pour their own gasoline on my fire.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

If you take credit for my destruction I will send a demon to torment you

ImJewish6million ago

More like waiting for you to bring your microdick over to her.

Crensch ago

Why would I do that? I don't even know her.

KatHarzso ago

They are a protected (((class))). Nothing will happen to them.

Doxxing is supposedly illegal on the site too yet they and their many alts got away with it but cuz zyklon wasn't a sneaky kike like them he got in trouble instead.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

chico ayson will learn da trufe

@shizie @qtiepie all is satire member....

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Doxxing is supposedly illegal on the site too yet they and their many alts got away with it

Like the mod here, kevdude?

KatHarzso ago

I reckon?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

It doesnt matter I am going to doxx voat to the world

Every single person of any kind of influence that would wish to see this site perish is going to get a full dose of the rankest parts of voat.

Every presidential candidate that hates free speech is going to get a whole face full of what they hate and I will keep pouring it on them.

It is an election year and leftard candidates need something to bludgeon. rightard candidates will need to bludgeon too because they are suck up pussies.

This will be epic I promise.

KatHarzso ago


sosat_menya_reddit ago

my wife said it would be good if I destroy voat. She said I have just been mailing in when it comes to expelling my anger. Ever since Doc H died she has been the one to focus my feelings in a way that aren't self destructive. If she say it is good then it must be.

ESOTERICshade ago

Everything will be ok bro. They are so desperate that they are tagging innocent people as pedophiles (by association) right now. Shit is getting thick and there is no end to the CrenshJew in sight. I don't understand why @puttitout don't ban CrenschJew either. Its a puzzle.

Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay...

KatHarzso ago

Voat will probably survive, better or worse.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I dont care if it does. They banned Z in favor of a harlot.

Z made voat fun for me. even though he is still here in spirit I will avenge his death.

I already reported the site to the SPLC with links to v/niggers and several sob stories about my child being exposed to racism by seeing the content

I also reached out to heels up harris and requested a convo with a campaign staffer.

It might take me a month but I am going to wrek shit

heygeorge ago

though he is still here in spirit I will avenge his death.

Dude, Beatle has been through like a half dozen accounts or more that have gone to goat heaven.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Like this?

heygeorge ago

The rest he deleted himself. But I know putts has asked him to calm his tits before. And he did, thereby not getting to this point. I’ve been friends with Beatle a long time.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

He was back before I knew he was banned. That isn’t why I’m pissed but it adds insult. Nothing will even be said to that psycho, her boyfriend and their cabinet full of sock puppets. THAT is why I’m furious

virge ago

ProtectVoat also has no credibility. Catch 22.

WhiteRonin ago

Larping Jew talk.

Make sure to enter this in excel tonight!

Element115 ago

I, too, long for the good old days of J. Edgar Hoover.

This message brought to you in part by /v/transvestigation

CheeseboogerHimself ago

That's how it seems to be.

BraunF14 ago

I need to see them fall as well as their shitty ass subverses for the mentally-impaired

thewebofslime ago

Notice that they started banning people for doxxing when @srayzie's criminal record started to circulate. Before that, it was "the wild west."

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