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HollaKost ago

Do you care to explain yourself for threatening someone's children based on their parents' actions?

It's really low that you keep this selective outrage up. I already explained that to you, but since you seem stuck on trying to make that one comment I made in a moment of duress afterWEEKS of DAILY death threats against me and my kids from zyklon_b into some big deal to knock me down then fine, I'll keep explaining it to you.

Zyklon_b made comments threatening me and my kids daily! Comments like this:

He made posts about men hunting my kids.

He pinged the pedos about my kids and that was the last straw

So I commented just like he did and pinged the pedos. I would never have given them the address, but I wouldn't need to since zyklon_b had already done it himself:

You don't have kids kevdude so you have no way of understanding how it is to get those threats for weeks, and not really know how much real life info this person has on you, and if they would actually make good on those threats. It wears you down.

I don't give a shit what you think, but I refuse to let you try to paint me as some abusive threatener of children by my reacting to the weeks of threats I was getting. I made ONE similar comment and you want to throw it in my face every chance you get. It was justifiable that I would snap after what was being done to me. If you want to keep bringing this up, I'll just keep providing proof of my harassment to show the full story!

Gothamgirl ago

Nobody wants you here. Your screenname was set up solicite money for floppy tit pics.

HollaKost ago

Nobody wants you here. Your screenname was set up solicite money for floppy tit pics.

What are you ranting about crazy tranny? I have done no such thing. You can provide it you lie, or I might get the name of anbery good Jew lawyer and sue you for your daily slandering.