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Rotteuxx ago

Nice write up, I'll go through the comments on my next shitter break.

Do you think GA going after Zyklon could be a case of shill farm vs shill farm ?

thewebofslime ago

I think GA versus QRV was the shill farm versus shill farm. I think @srayzie made a strong play to take over QRV and was almost successful.

I had a sub, FBIWatch, taken from me in Reddit that didn't follow protocol. It definitely happens.

As for @zyklon_b and frens, it seems like they are under attack more than the other way around and, as time goes on, the attacks have proven to be a one note tune, replayed over and over and over again.

SearchVoatBot ago

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InSaneGoatPosse ago

Thanks for proving, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you are one of them.

Rotteuxx ago

If that's what you call beyond the shadow of a doubt you are one easily influenced retard.

zyklon_b ago

it just proves to all that we were righteous and they were bein paid

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, this post makes some very interesting points to take into consideration when looking back at the past month on Voat.

zyklon_b ago

it makes sense