yiddlerontheroof ago

I'm not Colin Flahety, I'm just a fan. You are a retard who thinks this place is reddit or something. Don't like it? Don't click faggot. It's not rocket science.

followthemoney ago

There is a shill movement that promotes racial division in order to discredit free speech outlets and drive people away.

yiddlerontheroof ago

Ah yes, it is the shills who promote racial division, not all of Hollywood, the mainstream media which shows lopsided coverage of crime and police shootings, and academia that is constantly vilifying white people. Sure. You must be a fucking downy liberal or a kike to project that hard.

followthemoney ago

I think you misunderstand where I'm coming from.

My criticism of both sides of the race debate is that no one is allowed to do unbiased studies because proving that 'socioeconomics' is only one of several factors hurt both polar extremes.

I prefer being allowed to have a nuanced or neutral opinions without being forced to take a side with loud mouth extremists on either end of the spectrum.

Your outrage is a neurochemical process. It diverts energy from the rational part of your mind in the front of your brain which results in a temporary loss of IQ. So, your little game of outrage makes you as dumb as any average Somalian.

Also, Colin Flaherty's own children act like fucking chimps, participate in violence and do drugs among other degenerate behavior. So why the fuck would I listen to him about what to do with other people's kids? If you aren't Colin, ask him about the time he took a hose to his wife, Vicki, when she was a nurse at UCSD.

yiddlerontheroof ago

You must be some nigger who knew Colin and is pissed off at him for speaking about the nigger community's problems. Too bad, psycho: I AIN'T GONNA STOP POSTING HIS VIDEOS HERE.

followthemoney ago

It doesn't really affect me of you do or not. I think you really misunderstand my position. But talking to you is like talking to a Somalian, so I don't predict this being a productive conversation. If you want to have a real conversation about race then you should start by exposing the corrupt agenda driven forces in academia.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

quite while you're ahead faggot.

yiddlerontheroof ago

learn to spell moron

lets_get_hyyerr ago

looks like you're still a fag

yiddlerontheroof ago

only for you, honeybuns ;)

ratsmack ago

They are Colin Flaherty videos, which I doubt are his.

followthemoney ago

He IS Colin Flaherty. I've run afoul of him before. Just ask about the time he beat up his wife or the time his son and daughter, Caitlyn and Davee, spent years violently harassing a Mormon kid. Ask why his kids are prone to violence and what makes them different from the chimps he posts video of.

ratsmack ago

Sorry, you're wrong on that... I see no problem with the posts. Get a grip and don't try to see shit that isn't there, or this sub will turn into the shitfest that was SRS.

followthemoney ago

I'm wrong on what? I don't see a problem with the posts. I'm not making a recommendation on anyone changing their behavior. I don't care.

However, Colin Flaherty and his children are degenerates and engage in exactly the same behavior he decries with all of his videos. If someone has to pump their Steemit or Minds accounts it is lame, but it doesn't really affect me.

see shit that isn't there

I think you are missing something that is there but I don't blame you because you haven't had to deal with Flaherty's cowardly nonsense.

ratsmack ago

You have -zero- proof as to who is posting the videos.

followthemoney ago

You realize that everyone's usernames and passwords across all platforms are basically public information, right?

ratsmack ago

usernames and passwords ... public information

Now I know you're drunk.

followthemoney ago

It's worse than you think.


yiddlerontheroof ago

"Anybody posting Colin Flaherty links MUST be him!" lol are you serious?

Colin never uses NIGGER. I just did. Retard.

I_Love_Hentai ago

He's also directly profiting by spamming Voat.

Mumbleberry ago

Minds is monetized? Good to know.

I_Love_Hentai ago

It sure is. They payout in Ethereum.

Mumbleberry ago

Diddlerontheploof is a spamming faggot then

yiddlerontheroof ago

Stop talking to yourself with your sock account faggot. You are so obvious.