Normie-Vision ago

aint you the one @theoldones that banned me from your verse for no reason....


Zyklon_bot ago

appreceate ma art or u a gay ass preacher das trufe

MolochHunter ago

we just banned ImJewish6000 from Great Awakening. Why would @Crensch ban his own alt , if thats the insinuation?

theoldones ago

i'm not insinuating that

the shady PMs here are the problem and they got posted anon, so that's probably the trolls

Crensch ago

What is this shit, dude?

Finding a way to make you look reasonable for some doctored PM drops of yours?

Everyone knows you're gathering PMs. Did you not find what you needed? Is this a dry run?

Something continued on from right before the BuilderAnon stuff came out? I saw those doctored images posted to the anon boards - trying to get ahead of things to make PMs not look real.

You are one sneaky fuck.

theoldones ago

do you mean the anon or non-anon PMs?

trolls may be trying to spark all 3 of us into a fight right now

Crensch ago

do you mean the anon or non-anon PMs?

The anon-dropped PMs both from before my BuilderAnon submission and after. Doctored. Originally, I posit, to spread the idea that images can be faked, and now that some of that's in the minds of the users, using it for kev to sound reasonable and calm and collected and totallly trustworthy for his own PM drops about srayzie's personal shit.

trolls may be trying to spark all 3 of us into a fight right now, by mixing real PMs with faked PMs to confuse people

Not like they needed to. One of kev's last comments was "my turn".

Then this happens?


Call me suspicious.

theoldones ago

the anon PMs are total shite and vocabulary gives it away. even if the header says you to zyklon, that's him talking

Crensch ago

Yeah... and who never calls out zyklon?

theoldones ago

@heygeorge is one name that springs to mind

heygeorge ago


zyklon_b ago

talk about bulders...little do they know you planned this

Crensch ago

For the life of me, I could NOT figure out what your game was there. Who else benefits? That's some disgusting shit... who would believe it?

Whatever dude. Drop your load. Hope it's as good as you think it is.

theoldones ago

there are certain words used in zyklons claimed messages that i feel would never cross crenshcs lips.

"she likes me to be her daddy"

BULLSHIT that's the words of crensch. the vocabulary in all them is sexually explicit enough to match zyklons text trait in that regard. i would take a guess zyklon shopped the recipient and sender names around

a person just doesnt receive PMs in their own word style from someone else. that just doesnt happen


Nobody cares

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