You haven’t been around as much. I know what you were doing.

theoldones ago

zyklon broke harassment rules, and if triggylpuff gets the hammer for doxxing as one of his accomplices, but he himself doesnt get banned, that makes no sense

if trigglypuff broke the rules and got a ban, then zyklon should already have one

Dismember ago

As far as I'm aware @trigglypuff is not banned. They replied to me a few days ago. If they were banned, they aren't now.

theoldones ago

they were unbanned but had to say sorry to putt.

Dismember ago

Well there's some discussion going on about this now, I have stickied it on PV. Not sure if they pinged you there:

Diggernicks ago


Demonsweat2 ago

How do you know it was a dedkid and not art?

HollaKost ago

I checked for a pulse.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

It could just be an ad for plastic tubing.

theoldones ago

@Zyklon_b clearly will only continue to be a shit and ought to be dealt with

i say this because clearly, some mods out there don't agree with the inaction on him

Nosferatjew ago

^^confirmed pedo and child porn solicitor

Dismember ago

if we deal with him first

Deal with him how?

zyklon_b ago

i kill

PuttitoutIsGone ago


zyklon_b ago


HollaKost ago

It's amazing that they take such a hands off approach with him. The hypocrazy is astounding.

followthemoney ago

Says the suspicious sleep account that inexplicably shows up to defend srayzie and crensch.

HollaKost ago

4 month old is not much of a sleeper account. Care to refute my comment or do you just want to question my account age?

followthemoney ago

I guess you were too busy pushing your point to think about what is obvious to everyone. Plus, your comment on the sleeper account is nonsense given the timeline on known sleeper accounts like @crayzie which showed up to attack @kevdude and through admission is factually @srayzie alt account. There is little to no difference in what you are posting and what other known @srayzie alts are posting. I've been on Voat for years and at no point have I paid attention to the drama between these groups until I was intentionally drawn in and forced to pick a side... aka not the side that called me a shill... aka the free speech side.

HollaKost ago

I guess you were too busy pushing your point to think about what is obvious to everyone.

Don't really care.

your comment on the sleeper account is nonsense given the timeline

Guess you're a little confused on what a sleeper account is, but fortunately YOUR account is a prime example of one!

I've been on Voat for years

Years, yet your account really isn't all that active. Why is that? What other account(s) do you use? I think I have a good idea...

and at no point have I paid attention to the drama between these groups until I was intentionally drawn in and forced to pick a side..

Oh really? Haven't paid attention eh? Until when? This post maybe:

How was it you were "drawn in" that you had to make a post like that? No, what's more believable is you have a vendetta for some reason and we're more than willing to jump in with both feet to attack an old acquaintance from pizzagate.

followthemoney ago

I haven't ever kept a secret about me being @thewebofslime. Ever. My cousin started this account and uses it occasionally while helping build my website. This is no mystery.

Given the recent drama, I started using this one more to keep whatever is going on separate from my other account which is mostly about collecting, archiving and reporting important information.

I was drawn in when people started saying I was Q or a Q baker and I had to make it clear that I was unaffiliated. Then, I got PMs saying that I was going to be banned from /v/Pizzagate shortly before my site was probed immediately preceding a bash attack.

My point of contention is the /v/pizzagate mods making false accusations against in a coordinated manner where srayzie account and others downvote in tandem, aka brigading, against me and others who were not pro Q. The thing is, I wasn't even antiQ. I like a movement of people looking for truth. I just know that Pamphlet had Q's trip code.

None of your acusons hold weight.

srayzie falsely identified me as a paid shill and factually uses alts pretending to be other people. Im merely defending myself against false accusations. So don't be Jewish and pretend like I don't have that right.

HollaKost ago

I honestly don't care about any of that. You're free to do whatever you want. Peace out!

followthemoney ago

Because you have a clear double standard which makes you equally Jewish.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

oy vey free speech cant work on Voat because the playing field isn't level

followthemoney ago

Outsmarting trolls is as simple as going outside and getting some exercise, setting aside a little time for family and having an actual hobby. Emotional resilience is the armor against trolls and clearly the people who want rules to deal with trolls are the least emotionally resilient people on Voat.

Dismember ago

want rules to deal with trolls are the least emotionally resilient people on Voat.

I think this is becoming more and more prevalent on Voat as time goes on. We have ignore(which admittedly might not work properly?) and downvotes but it seems like its justnot enough to not see it yourself. dfor some, they want me to not see it as well.

theoldones ago

it's a good point to bring up regardless of who posted it

followthemoney ago

It seems really easy to ignore all that unless people are going out of their way to draw attention to it.

theoldones ago

ignorable for some, but not for users who might be next on his list

followthemoney ago

You mean anyone who takes themselves too seriously which is what makes an ideal target for a troll. Im operating under the assu ption that all the putrage is fake and this drama is all s series of false flags against free speech.

theoldones ago

the outrage is not fake.

information got posted and an entire harassment sub got hammered. trigglypuff got banned for doxxing, and was unbanned but had to apologize

heygeorge ago

but had to apologize

Nah, that’s just what a decent person does

followthemoney ago

trigglypuff is the one who said zyklon_b was a paid subversive, no?

The fox have never actually been shown to be real, no? Srayzie could have been a dude.

Srayzie has multiple confirmed alts that mostly distract with pictures of gothamgirl, but srayzie has never taken the time to say nude pics are fake, yes or no?

Who is to say both groups aren't intentionally sowing discord? Imagine that no drama means everyone could carry on business as usual.

theoldones ago

intent is important and zyklon had a bad intent

followthemoney ago

Of course. Everyone knows that. Meanwhile you miss the others with bad intent who are faking identities. Someone had those naked pictures before zyklon_b. srayzie either really sent them or their fake status proves account was faking it all along. It is a game of nude picture chicken but either way reveals group of bad actors that is more than just zyklon_b.

HollaKost ago

I can't pong anyone to the post because I'm banned from that sub for stuff like this:

My memes of his guntpiggy are offensive but dead kids are always a laugh!