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Dismember ago

Look that's a nice write up and all but it seems like you are trying WAY too hard to fling some shit to try to make something stick and it also seems like you are all planning this out amongst yourselves as some sort of coordinated attack and that bothers me far more than anything here in your evidence. @kevdude has been the main driver in removing powermods from the system subs on this site and you wan't him gone because a few trolls fucked your girl over?

Why aren't you going after them, btw? Did you finally realize they don't give a fuck and are too busy laughing at you for being manipulated by them? Well here you are I guess.

Crensch ago

Look that's a nice write up and all but it seems like you are trying WAY too hard to fling some shit to try to make something stick

Like kevdude being a pathological liar?

That's pretty much stuck.

Dismember ago

Maybe hes has lied before but I'm not seeing pathological being an apt descriptor from anything I've read so far.

Crensch ago King Kevdude isn't accountable! Misrepresenting what I have to say. Misrepresenting what I have to say. Claiming I'm strawmanning his words. Begging the question Misrepresenting my words with his response Evading direct, relevant question. More hojuruku deflection

Hmm, maybe an inaccurate label. @Vindicator, think you can pull up a better set of his lies? I just have Jew-tier shit, here. Not exactly pathological lying.

Ilhan-Abdullahi-Omar ago

archive those so that faggot kevchicken can change them


Dismember ago

What I see is two people who have had a bit of a falling out over ideals and some drama which I don't exactly know the details of arguing back and forth. I'm going to wait till you reply to my suggestions in previous comments because there's no way I can do this type of rapid fire response to never ending multiple convos when I'm at work. Every time I open a new page the little red box with numbers in it grows higher and higher and I fall further behind.

Crensch ago

What I see is two people who have had a bit of a falling out over ideals and some drama which I don't exactly know the details of arguing back and forth.

Find any of the above things in my words.

I'm going to wait till you reply to my suggestions in previous comments because there's no way I can do this type of rapid fire response to never ending multiple convos when I'm at work.

I don't know where this is, but if I stumble upon it, sure.

Every time I open a new page the little red box with numbers in it grows higher and higher and I fall further behind.

IRL first. This stuff can wait.