LightningAndTheSun ago

Ephebophilia should get you locked up?

Prepare to lock up about 99.9% of humans ever to have lived or died, my guy.

theoldones ago

this motherfucker tried guilt-tripping me into saying yes to his sickness, by citing ancestor guilt via the folkishasatru sub, because in his twisted mind, vikings apparently were apparently A-okay because of kiddy-fucking.

i'm trying to figure out how many axe-blows those words require and the answer is definitly higher then 3

he didnt seem to take it well when i told him what the policy actually was, IE what a blood eagle is.

LightningAndTheSun ago

Reminder that if a girl has reached sexual maturity she is by definition not a child, and thus sexual attraction to her is not pedophilia. For 99.99% of human history, this was considered truth and the law of the land, and this was normal and acceptable and agreeable.

Dortex ago

theoldones ago

theoldones ago

choke on broken glass and die.

LightningAndTheSun ago

Showing your true colors here. I especially love you're an owner of /v/FolkishAsatru and yet you're completely against your (supposed) ancestor's own tradition and way of life.

theoldones ago

my tradition kills pedophiles by blood eagle

its where we hang up your arms between two points. the chop open the back of your flesh. by hand we crack your ribs off. we tear open a hole, pull out your lungs, and let you slowly painfully suffocate to death

that is what asatru does to your ilk.

Maggotbait88 ago

wow it's almost like we wiped out those barbaric savages centuries ago

Maggotbait88 ago

not an argument

theoldones ago

no it's extremely compelling actually, to be blunt about it

Maggotbait88 ago

wow no arguemen

theoldones ago

hans, fire up the fucking oven.

Diggernicks ago

To put all the Catholics inside it.