CheeseboogerHimself ago

BOOM! Truth

kestrel9 ago

I mostly reply out of my inbox so TBH sometimes I don't know what subverse I'm in.

Yes I've had that happen too. (Setting mod topics aside) I guess my post here could be considered my going on the record, to say that I don't believe that is a pic of her. I saw your comment and thought perhaps some people might assume it was (I'm not saying you would know one way or the other but just how it could look to people in context of that sub). I'm not denying that sharing personal pics is bad judgment, but also as a friend I wanted to say something.

Hopefully @PuttItOut will surface and we can talk about defining dox and vote manipulation, and maybe agreeing that loli and images sexualizing children need to not be on this site. Possibly clarifying what constitutes a threat. Then those rules get applied in the TOS and enforced and maybe we avoid shit like this.


kestrel9 ago

If a mod starts subjectively censoring people we call them out.

I would refer to the well written rebuttal to that comment (@Vindicator), but that's not why I posted and I don't have it handy and I know you've read all about how people have weighed in so far. But good distraction to my original observation about feeding the trolls in their subverse over the topic of nude pics. If @srayzie was the nightmare mod over such a long period of time, why didn't you demod her? (honest question)

Vindicator ago

Kev can't demod srayzie, K9, because GA is her private subverse. She was the Owner, not a mod. The only one who can demod an O is Putt.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you for clarifying.

kestrel9 ago

I'm sorry, I left the smallest violin somewhere earlier when I was scrolling through the GA related stickied posts on PV.

RockmanRaiden ago

He's LYING. That's totally him.

RockmanRaiden ago

Wrong subverse. I think Q is another Jew trick now. Try and keep up.

The ladies always say no to you don't they?

virge ago

TIL /v/greatawakening is about Q, when before I though /v/QRV was about Q and /v/greatawakening was about Trump.


RockmanRaiden ago

V/greatawakening was the only Q subverse until Reddit shut down their's. Then, 2 others were created here. One supposedly had Q's blessing. That was the faggy one. Many of us in v/greatawakening were goats first. We had good leadership with consistent and up to date posts and grew. Now here we are.

kestrel9 ago

thank you.

kestrel9 ago

Obvious troll is obvious.

You're saying I'm posting this to troll you. If so, why aren't you taking the advice you give to mods and ignore my comments and stay calm.

kestrel9 ago

I guess you could tell us your alts (if any) as well, since you're so forthcoming.

RockmanRaiden ago

You're coming across as a butthurt little faggot.

kestrel9 ago

So, after blocking theses subverses:



Maybe @kevdude should consider it too

Why is he feeding the trolls that are involved in the GA mod/subverse harassment? Clearly not to protect voat on behalf of the users in GA (two mods gone, all the fall out, and all blame goes anywhere but PV . Why would anyone want to be a mod under this abhorrent lack of leadership? @puttitout

@sguevar @bopper @Vindicator @Crensch

sguevar ago

I have to agree with @heygeorge, the OP and @kevdude.

Blocking the subverses, making sure that you are not subscribe to them is the best way to clean your feed on v/all. Ignoring the comments that users may do and that you find annoying is also the way you move on from them.

@srayzie and @shizy hanged out with the folks in v/SBBH and shitposted with them as well. I mean. she thought they were her friends, and to the most part I think they were. Though many of them didn't believe in the whole Q matter and they trolled her because of it.

Kevdude at one point stated on a previous comment he made yesterday that bans are on people no users, so if you find the alt of a user and you know is his alt and you had banned the alt then the main one should be banned also. Srayzie made a mistake on banning just ZB's alt initially and not ZB also. Thinking that maybe he would restrain himself and because she considered him a friend.

She should also have blocked the user. Personally I don't trust in ZB. Never have and when engaging him I always am cautious to do so because he has proven he can turn on people just because he likes it. I mean he even doxxed his so called fiancee to srayzie in private. That is what she claimed, she never show it so in that case I can't say if it really happen but I think in this whole matter she played the indignation and victim card without acknowledging that many advised her not to feed the trolls, to be careful with whom she dealt with and to be more careful about her personal info.

She ignored those advises and that is on her.

EDIT: Just want to add that I don't believe that is a pic of srayzie and it's rotten that kevdude commented the way he did on that thread. srayzie was a friend of mine on voat and like her or not, she deserved more from Protect Voat besides the disdain that continues on even after she left the large subverse that she built and put a lot of work into.

Like I said to you before, or to someone else. Can't honestly remember because I have commented a lot on this subject. She was my friend too. Or at least from my part. But I can't help her if she doesn't help herself. The disdain you are talking about, is coming mostly from users that didn't like her and didn't like her views on Q. And they commented such disdain on her departure. They didn't make posts about it, they mock her departure by commenting on her post. and what @Crensch did was deleting the comments and banning people for what they commented. Showing how this became a personal thing for him which in fact also showed how he can betray his own principles to fight against his "enemies" as long as it convenes his narrative.

You have to accept that people are entitled to say what they want. I have been called a spic,a POS, I have even been called a boomer even when I am 32 years old. Should I feel offended and ask for those people to be silenced or should I block them or ignore them? Well any decision I take is mine alone. No one, even if I am advised in some way, made the decision for me. So I vary it.

I have blocked anon subs so I don't see them on my v/all feed - but that doesn't block the pings I get from them. I engage with trolls on me whether directly or in anon (when I am pinged) because it amuses me I have never took it personal. I mean even @Vindicator and Crensch called me dishones and that I was being a POS they way I addressed their comments. So it could be very well because they didn't get what I was saying or because they perceived it as such. Should I take it personal? Nope. It is their opinion and they are entitled to it.

But srayzie fed her trolls and decided to engage by making it personal without realizing that she had weak spots on her side (by not listening to our advises and protecting her personal information better).

This is comming from someone that is very easy to being doxxed. And as I have said it, before I don't care if I am. Thanks to my faith. That is my approach to all this.

It is a complicated matter because if we decide in some way, our decision will not be seen as favorable for some party and they may even claim and misrepresent it as supporting their counterpart. When people say this without acknowledging that we in PV have been actively defending srayzie during all this but we don't support unjustified bans either. So that is why we defended Trigglypuff and that is why we defended the users that got banned for commenting and mocking srayzie's departure. You don't ban just because of a comment unless that is illegal. Not because you didn't like what they said. - Downvote and move on.

Crensch ago

Have you not figured out how irrelevant you and your Wailing Walls of text are?

You're dishonest in about half of what you write, which is Jew tier, and you ramble and wax philosophical to the point that nobody really reads or cares what you have to say.

sguevar ago

I guess that at this point you are going to try to divert to whatever serves your narrative. But well, as stated before I am not fighting you. It is you who are fighting everyone else and it is you who are defeating yourself: you betryed your principles.

If you find me irrelevant, why then do you keep aswering?

Crensch ago

If you find me irrelevant, why then do you keep aswering?

It's like a train wreck. You keep watching... and commenting on it.

It is you who are fighting everyone else and it is you who are defeating yourself: you betryed your principles.

You really don't understand do you? I'm winning. I am how I am now because I would not betray my principles.

You keep saying the latter as if it's a panacea to defeat me. It's not. I had axioms and ideals that matched yours, until I realized they were horseshit and had to build new axioms and mental constructs from scratch. I never betrayed my principles.

Read that nest. It's enlightening. You can watch kevdude's defense mechanisms break as it goes on.

You can also read about the genesis of this whole thing, and know who to thank for it... and hopefully be suspicious of.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

He knows it deep down inside. He just cant accept the terms of falling for a jewess pro's tricks.

heygeorge ago

can't help her if she doesn't help herself

This is the bulk of the entire debacle. I maed a post about it. It’s true. @squevar

CognitiveDissident5 ago

'lack of leadership": you hit the nail on the head. Not following up quickly after undoing all the bans (and lumping the dox bans in with the unjust bans) was extremely unfortunate and damaging for the site.

Crensch ago

They're welcome to mod under my leadership. Any and all mods that would like the freedom to NOT associate with niggers, you are more than welcome to fly my flag instead of PV's.

RockmanRaiden ago

I think Kestral meant the lack of leadership on Putts part? That's just my interpretation. I don't mean anything against Putt.

kestrel9 ago

Actually I didn't mean @puttitout. He has people he entrusts to work with mods. He came out and said encouraging things about @srayzie and @kevdude. I've watched over months how shit posting brigades get the right of way every time when it comes to GA, and the more protect voat got involved the worse things became. @kevdude advised @srayzie and posted on GA in ways I believe undermined the integrity of the sub and emboldened the trolls.

Diggernicks ago

Censorship is for homosexual commie niglets who need to gb2reddit.

sinclair ago

You are what you eat.

Diggernicks ago

I'm a pussy then.

sinclair ago


heygeorge ago

Blocking users and subverses is self-censorship.

Also, and I may be biased, if you block SBBH you are blocking some of the best content on Voat (along with some among the worst!)

RockmanRaiden ago

I agree that it's self censorship, but the user is choosing to do it. Like tuning to a different channel.

sinclair ago

Yah, I know. I enjoyed it for a while. Lately, it's been obsessed with personal attacks, so for now... filtering. It's become indigestible for me.

heygeorge ago


I made a post a few days ago on SBBH about how blocking it improved my Voat experience.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I agree wholeheartedly! I blocked v/GreatAwakening and v/QRV and felt like I had been liberated from an insane asylum created by the Borg.

CheeseboogerHimself ago


sinclair ago

Yah. You should totally block what give you indigestion.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I just wish that what I block would not still show up on New-Incoming

Oh well

heygeorge ago

Blocked subverses will not show up in all/new.

This does not effect blocked user content, which will show up unless the subverse is blocked.

SearchVoat ago

You might try something like,QRV&nsfw=on for a "new" feed excluding some subverses (and users, if you like).

sinclair ago

Maybe that's something we could address with @Puttitout, or a coding admin.

Personally, I find personal attacks on other users, or former users rather distasteful and indigestible. So, I block subverses that obsessively produce that sort of content. If it's not filtering out of "New" now, maybe that can happen in the future.

heygeorge ago

So, I block subverses that obsessively produce that sort of content. If it's not filtering out of "New" now

Blocked subverses will not appear in your all/new feed