Gaslighting /v/GreatAwakening post calling for the brigading of any users who argue with @Crensch or other mods. (ProtectVoat)
submitted 5.7 years ago by Rotteuxx
So here's the long winded post :
Now this is just an observation, the OP refers to a paradigm :
Coincidentally, @Crensch has mentioned a paradigm a few times in the past several days :
Is OP Crensch or a larper larping as Crensch ? Either way, it's purely a gaslighting post meant to call for the brigading of users who oppose Crensch & GA.
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Rotteuxx 5.7 years ago
@sguevar @expertshitposter @heygeorge @cheeseboogerhimself
CheeseboogerHimself 5.7 years ago
This is sad. How the mighty have fallen. @Crensch is obviously being (((blackmailed)))
Question is, how many times has he been behind the orchestration of brigades to sow division by using alts ?
@freshmeat @dialwhateverfuckingaltyouronrightnow
I watched in awe as they did it to me a couple years ago. They worked like a well-oiled machine or group. I said back then that they were part of some group. It was obvious.
Group... sgis was referred to as a group by the admins.
Very interesting.
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Rotteuxx ago
@sguevar @expertshitposter @heygeorge @cheeseboogerhimself
CheeseboogerHimself ago
This is sad. How the mighty have fallen. @Crensch is obviously being (((blackmailed)))
Rotteuxx ago
Question is, how many times has he been behind the orchestration of brigades to sow division by using alts ?
@freshmeat @dialwhateverfuckingaltyouronrightnow
CheeseboogerHimself ago
I watched in awe as they did it to me a couple years ago. They worked like a well-oiled machine or group. I said back then that they were part of some group. It was obvious.
Rotteuxx ago
Group... sgis was referred to as a group by the admins.
CheeseboogerHimself ago
Very interesting.