submitted 5.7 years ago by [deleted]
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mimes4peace 5.7 years ago
Take out the last word of that sentence and you probably have a more accurate description of what really goes on around here
xenoPsychologist 5.7 years ago
the day voat becomes a bad fan fiction like that
Yea well https://voat.co/v/confessions/3245371
psh, thats just an accurate description of reality! reality is boring.
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mimes4peace ago
Take out the last word of that sentence and you probably have a more accurate description of what really goes on around here
xenoPsychologist ago
the day voat becomes a bad fan fiction like that
mimes4peace ago
Yea well https://voat.co/v/confessions/3245371
xenoPsychologist ago
psh, thats just an accurate description of reality! reality is boring.