CheeseboogerHimself ago

Nothing. Why?

Maggotbait88 ago

Something was going on between Shizy and zyklon and then theoldones started accusing me of stuff again. Idk dude

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I think taco Tuesday had bad taco's

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

you are a shit alt, and making lies

and right on /v/protectvoat side bar "what is concern trolling?

tada! @kevdude @puttitout @theoldones


Maggotbait88 ago

You're a shit alt

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

but im 100% better than you


Maggotbait88 ago

Go away if you're not going to be helpful

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

I already know who you are dweeb

Maggotbait88 ago

Fuck off, I think you're here to mess with me. blocked.

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

I only bring truth.... I hope everything is okay with you. I apologize if that hurts you too much. But what am i to to do, self censor? this is voat btw

perhaps in the future we will become friends as we were in the past.

billyvvinz ago

what is going on?

rampant faggotry.

Maggotbait88 ago

It seems that way, but do you have anything more specific?

billyvvinz ago

Nope, haven't paid attention.

Maggotbait88 ago

okay sorry to bother you have a good day

theoldones ago

zyklon is calling down pedophiles on children.

and you're helping him.

WickerMan ago

Reply to me. I said both of these fucks are shitbags.

WickerMan ago

You're riding a rotten horse. Both of these shitbags are doing the same thing. All of this shit is wrong.

Maggotbait88 ago

what even started Shizy and zyklon threatening children?

WickerMan ago

They're deviant as fuck apparently.

Shizy ago

Where have you been for the last two weeks where he's calling for my kids to be killed daily?

I finally get fed up and shit talk him back and everyone is up MY ASS as if I am the asshole here! How much am I supposed to just shut up and take? You didn't care for the last two weeks, but suddenly you care now about what I say! Cool!

WickerMan ago

Where have you been for the last two weeks where he's calling for my kids to be killed daily?

You had enough white knights already, you didn't need me.

I finally get fed up and shit talk him back and everyone is up MY ASS as if I am the asshole here! How much am I supposed to just shut up and take? You didn't care for the last two weeks, but suddenly you care now about what I say! Cool!

I knew zyklon to be a low class troll, I didn't expect much good to come from him other than occasional laughs and shitposts. The last couple of days he has gone over a line that no normal man wants to associate with. You're now in the same bin as him.

Shizy ago


WickerMan ago

Low class.

Shizy ago

Yes you are!

Maggotbait88 ago

Fuck you I haven't done anything you cunt

CerealBrain ago

You need to not hang with those guys, or at least Zyklon, is all I was saying.

I wasn't being rude at all, just trying to be helpful.

You seem like a nice enough guy.

Maggotbait88 ago

I gathered that but that still doesn't tell me why I'm getting pinged and attacked in whatever is going on.

CerealBrain ago

People see you as impressionable is my guess, both sides wanting to sway you.

Maggotbait88 ago

Sorry I called you rude. I edited the post

CerealBrain ago

Ah, no problem..