Bottled_Tears ago

You guys all need to grow the fuck up. You're children.

theoldones ago

begone thot

zyklon_b ago

shizy aka srayzie threatneing kids too

theoldones ago

k, what did putts ban reason say then?

zyklon_b ago

theoldones ago

if this is trolling, they picked a bad direction to troll on.

theoldones ago

here's a comment tracking all of that.



-nambla website (pedophiles)

gabara ago

Oh fuck. @zyklon_b please stop doing that and maybe OP will delete this post and we can prevent Voat's "Second World War" from kicking off.

zyklon_b ago



gabara ago

Then I can't help you. That trespasses against my rule about children and animals.

zyklon_b ago

its not a threat re read is all stire

theoldones ago

none of it's satire.

none of it's a joke.

you can go fuck yourself.

you're a shady kikebitch.

CerealBrain ago

He's a kike mate.

He argues like a jew, not a skinhead.

zyklon_b ago

fuck her aka shizy kids with dead pineapple

@maggotbait88 eat em

theoldones ago

fuck her aka shizy kids with dead pineapple

@maggotbait88 eat em

are you currently calling in a vote brigade right now?

zyklon_b ago

Nope calling for ACTION

Maggotbait88 ago

What's happening?

theoldones ago

your fucking buddy just pinged your ass to vote-brigade as a defense against being called out for threatening children.

i suspect you don't want to legally be connected to that.

Maggotbait88 ago

Sorry I replied to wrong person

I don't believe anything you say

Can someone other than old ones explain please

theoldones ago

how the fuck is it difficult to not threaten kids?!

Tzitzimitl ago

inb4 hes creepy joes voat account

gabara ago

It's a personal issue I think. I told him this goes against my no harming children and animals rule.

CerealBrain ago

Why hang with him then?

gabara ago

He's more polite and social that you. You don't even post. Clearly you're and alt.

CerealBrain ago

Can you ping your buddies?

zyklon_b ago

i am with u regardless komrade

theoldones ago

sick fucks like you need to hang from a hangmans noose.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I banned him from soapdox until he stops crying and flooding subs with his bs.

theoldones ago

his brain is so fucked up, i had to explain what i had to explain, and he still did what he does

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Isn't meth great?