Decidueye ago

@Puttitout, add and enable security questions to prevent brute force attacks from locking users out of their account.

Decidueye ago

If the tags weren't used to brush the hypocrisy from Srayzie to the side, would this current bout of drama be anywhere near as retarded?

KosherHiveKicker ago

I support tagging all the Brony_Fags of SBBH to ensure everyone learns who the real divisive Goats are.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

What happened to you, crensch? Shit posters are not your enemy. Hell, we're the bread & butter of Voat. You always told me to call you out if you ever done any dumb shit, and well, here we are

KosherHiveKicker ago

You always told me to call you out if you ever done any dumb shit, and well, here we are

Never have I ever asked this of you.

In fact, I don't even recall interacting with this account prior to this week. Perhaps you have multiple accounts and can't post on them due to brigade banning?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You've never interacted with me? I was Cheesebooger CheeseboogersGhost

ex-redd ago

Yeah! They need to label u/gabara 's as well

Oh, wait--they already did.

Good job new mods

Dismember ago

I only really tagged the one on the first page of /new today but mostly its going to be the he said/she said threads or about the personalities involved in the doxxing and the drama around them. If it's about the actual rules of doxxing on the site that's a different topic. I actually missed one before that's now tagged as well.

gabara ago

Yeah, seems like it suddenly started happening.

zyklon_b ago


ExpertShitposter ago


gabara ago