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Hey_Sunshine ago

What do ya mean by stepping down?

I'm all for you taking some personal time, if that is what you mean.

@wokeasfook makes a great point, I haven't really paid attention to all the faggotry going on lately. I couldn't even tell you what it's about.

All that matters to me is that stand up gents like yourself, succeed in their own pursuits. If that means you must 'step down' to do so, so be it.

Crensch ago

@wokeasfook should probably see this, as well.

wokeasfook ago

I've read and supported all your comments. Including this one.

My point is you did the right thing and you did such a great job I personally felt it was enough. They are not worth going back and forth with. You got hundreds of likes for your posts.

Am I wrong in pointing out that our community is now being dominated by this discussion? Am I wrong to think that that plays directly into their narrative? Am I wrong to point out that although you destroyed them they don't care about that? What they care about is dominating the conversation and we are letting them do so by engaging. And now here I am engaging and adding to their success. All because I don't want you, srayzie etc. feeling alone. Id bet my house there are many here who support you who are just not willing to feed the narrative. You helped create us. You don't think the immune system is working but that's not what I'm witnessing. Ignoring them is our immune system but what would I know. I'm just a bystander looking in but all I see is a defeated animal. They make a lot of noise. Little substance tho.

You don't feel like you guys are getting enough support but I don't see it that way at all.

It seems you guys are determined to have us feed the shills in order to prove to you that you are not alone.

I get that it's easy for me to say when I'm not the one who has to deal with it day in day out, every god-damned hour of the day but I also believe if I was in your shoes and you were in mine you'd be advising me not to feed the shills.

virge ago

There also comes a time when every exterminator must decide something needs to be exterminated.

wokeasfook ago

If that's what you think you guys are going fair enough. It's not working though And now the frustration is making you guys take it out on the rest of voat. Somebody is going to have to explain to us mere mortals what exactly we can do to help because right now all that's happening is people are being driven away by the drama. I wasn't even going to bother signing in today.

What happens when a trigger happy exterminator kills the clients dog and hamster?

virge ago

What happens when a trigger happy exterminator kills the clients dog and hamster?

It's not the client. Collateral damage is to be expected.

wokeasfook ago

You are attacking the 'silent majority'on another post today too. Saying they have blood on their hands. Most people never even encountered these users you are fighting with and you are driving them away. You are. Not Zyklon. You. You attacking innocent users in every second post. It's you that is making me think no amount of being able to say nigger and kike is worth listening to all this drama. It's like a bunch lefties demanding everyone falls in line. It's time you lot took a step back before you are the ones who destroy voat and it's user base.

virge ago

I don't really care about any drama. I see Putt vs. a group of subversive users (for whatever reason, I don't give a shit).

I've chosen a side. It's Putt's. What's yours?

wokeasfook ago


So why aren't you respecting putts decisions and actions. I am. You won't move on. I am trying. As far as I can see that's what putt wants. Didn't you read his unban post? You refuse to move on. You seem determined t drive away good users because thatll show putt how much you support him.

virge ago

So why aren't you respecting putts decisions and actions. I am. You won't move on.

You are welcome to hold this opinion of where Putt's mind is, and I don't see how it makes us enemies if we disagree. If we are allies, then we know that there are elements here already running people off in droves, and it's reached the point where collateral damage is inevitable.

I think that means the sleeping dragon has been sleeping far, far too long.

wokeasfook ago

That's a serious cop out of a reply. No worries carry on attacking innocent users. So gallant of you. You are upset because putt didn't do what you wanted and you're taking it out on everyone like a woman.

It's ok for you to drive people away; it's collateral damage.

virge ago

You're not paying attention.

wokeasfook ago

Wtf are you on about.

Listen why don't you be specific and tell us what the fuck you want is to do. Stop all this attacking people who have refused to add to the drama Tell me; what do you want from all of is. What do you want from the users you are so mad at.

Which of the 2 of us is respecting Putt?

Hand_of_Node ago

In my experience, virge is a malicious actor.