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middle_path ago

Woah, why?

Crensch ago

Voat is the Wild West. Apparently, being a stalking/harassing/doxxing dick is rewarded. New times, new standard operating procedures.

Ilhan-Abdullahi-Omar ago

whhaaaaaah poor me.... so I resort to power modding


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heygeorge ago

Not a dox. I imagine you did not see the thread from 6 months ago where srayzie is joking with reeee shitposters about her photo.

Pingspam is neutralized with just one button: “Block”

I have treated @srayzie as a fellow goat and friend. And I like to think I have received the same treatment from her, but maybe it was not as mutual as I thought. We will see.

I imagine you are intelligent enough that you will temper in a short while. I fear that if you do not, the subverse you are now running will quickly become what it has been falsely accused of being for a long time now.

Further: If you really believe in Q, you must believe that entities and forces far stronger than a hillbilly on pain medication have been and will continue to take advantage of this.

Time will tell.

virge ago

Pingspam is neutralized with just one button: “Block”

That's until Putt uses your name in a post and Dial_Indicator turns 100 accounts in your direction.

heygeorge ago

Don’t even pretend like dial hasn’t had his sights on me before, insanegoat before him, and myriad other faggots.

virge ago

So what's the most effective method?

heygeorge ago

So what's the most effective method?

Some swear by the rhythm method, others prophylactics. But we all know the real answer: Abstinence.

virge ago

Take over. It's yours.

Ilhan-Abdullahi-Omar ago

whhaaaaaah poor me.... so I resort to power modding

@crensch has turned and came out as who is @kevdude

tell me one thing thing that warrants a deletion and ban @puttitout


MadWorld ago

It was much earlier than 6 months ago, unfortunately. The earliest I was able to find was some 1.5 years ago. So that mistake was already made 1.5 years ago.

heygeorge ago

Good additional point. I was just referencing an easily accessible thread in SBBH I saw linked today.

MadWorld ago

This whole series of train wreck is a very sad chapter on Voat today. I have felt the urge to destroy...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I aint on pain meds what?

heygeorge ago

Me neither

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Why did you report fake news about me?

heygeorge ago

I was referring to beatle. Am I missing a puzzle piece here?

bopper ago

Srayzie always like you george.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Disregard. I'm retarded

Rotteuxx ago

And being a cuck means you never win but always cry like a bitch at some point

zyklon_b ago


he is with her....moving forward....

CheeseboogerHimself ago

kek I've never met anyone from Voat IRL

Shizy ago

@zyklon_b has. Here's what he had to say about her....

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I haven't ever seen this and dont know what the fuuck it is or if its real. One thing I do know is that @Zyklon_B is probably pulling her leg. Its what he does. He is a performance artist. You cant seriously believe any of this shit? BTW, have you or srayzie ever met anyone from Voat IRL?

Shizy ago

I know he's full of shit. And most likely him and his little buddies are the same disgusting person just causing problems on voat by playing different characters. Sorta like what triggly predicted.

I have never met anyone from voat in real life and neither has Srayzie.

zyklon_b ago

Hahhaa. we owned em all acts like she deleted but still on that acc5

zyklon_b ago

@crensch and @kevdude met and tag teamed anne frank or whatever that ga mods name was.

Muh-Shugana ago

I'll post this here as well.

Crensch ago

Gonna need a bit of a summary of what I'm looking at here.

Muh-Shugana ago

It's hard to summarize, but it should help grasp the recent drama. It came out of nowhere, and a lot of the perpetrators used quite a few verbal tricks and turnabouts to get everyone to see the guilty ones as the victims, while getting the majority to turn on putt.

This is not the first time this has happened, and I can recognize the style of speech from their posts from when gamergate was still in the spotlight and under attack.

wokeasfook ago

A small minority have hooked you all into playing their game. What I've seen is the majority here just ignoring them which imho is the right way to go. You guys keep breathing life into their bullshit. If everyone starts jumping to your defense it does exactly what these people want. It gives them the ability to dominate the narrative. Why give them that. The majority of users here at voat are tried and tested lie detectors. You have to trust that the silent majority are on your side but they just don't see the benefit in joining the distraction narrative. You have to have faith in the users here that they are way too based to buy any of this bullshit from the disrupters. You guys have nothing to defend so stop defending yourselves against people who have very little super. We're ignoring them not you. We're ignoring their drama. We are refusing to bite. Trust that you old goats have thought is well. Trust us, ignore them and let them drift off into insignificance. They are insignificant and the only thing making them significant is you guys legitimizing their lies and bullshit. Almost nobody is engaging with these idiots. Except the top goats, mods etc. They get their power from you guys biting. In a scenario like this you need to trust voats immune system. You need to trust the users to know fact from fiction.

I honestly don't see how all of us jumping on board and giving more comments/thumbs etc to their basically helps anything. Take the wind out of their sails by accepting that the silent majority aren't even paying them lip service.

I think you guys need to take a step back and see this for what it is. Seems to me the students are becoming the teachers.

We are not engaging because these collosal cunts don't deserve us to engage.

It's like Trump playing the defensive for years basically playing directly into the deep state and MSM narrative.

Trust voat. Ignore them. They will be gone soon.

Just some constructive criticism from my perspective. Hope you don't take me up badly.

I trust voats immune system. I trust the majority if users. All this drama means nothing to me and I'm sure most other users. Most of us good goats have jobs and don't have time to compete with unemployed drug addict trolls. They are unimportant, id start treating them that way.

Shizy ago

Thank you, that's some good perspective right there.

wokeasfook ago

Thanks. I fucking love voat. In many ways it saved my sanity. I'll defend it as best I can. But sometime the best form of defense is indifference. To disengage. To ignore. To walk away.

We have just had the most winning week for conservatives/nationalists in a generation but here we are feeding the trolls and their distraction narrative.

We should be taking about the incredible move to the right all across the EU. The move we've all been fighting for for years. This past week has shown us the fruits of our intellectual labor. Id prefer to bathe in the glory of turing the entire western world back toward normal. That is the real story of this past week. Not this shill drama used to derail what should have been a week of celebration and regrouping for the next battle.

bopper ago

the glory of turing the entire western world back toward normal.

Ain't it grand?

Yeah, the biggest insult you can give these faggots is to ignore them, it marginalizes them bigly.

Srayzie just got in a little deep by messing with them and it was hard to extricate. She's good people tho.

Great advice from you here, good stuff. Thanks.

wokeasfook ago

Thanks bopper, I'm a fan.

Even downvoating them to Oblivion doesn't help imho. It gets to a point where their ccp is so low it almost becomes a point of fame. A user with +20000ccp has as much notoriety as the user with -20000ccp.

Tell me you don't click to open the minimized comments with -12, -20, -40 or whatever. It's intriguing. I have to know what they said to garner such disagreement. It's human nature. we have to know. They use it to their advantage. They don't care about their own ability to thumb up or down when they can just use alts for that.

bopper ago

Even downvoating them to Oblivion doesn't help imho.

Yeah, that's right.

And no, I never, NEVER, EVER open ANY minimized comments. Lol.

wokeasfook ago

I always knew you weren't human. Only a cyborg could resist opening those comments.

bopper ago

I honestly wonder sometimes..

bopper ago

Cracked me up!

Shizy ago

You're right! You just put it into better context for me. You don't know how much I appreciate this!

bopper ago

Too easy to get into the weeds, believe me!

middle_path ago

I don't understand how that relates to you stepping down. I'm also pretty sure (haven't been following this particular drama) the user srayzie made the information extremely easy to find on google as it was directly linked to her name.

wokeasfook ago

That doesn't matter mate. I don't care how easy it is to find your photos or your kids photos id never post it here and claim it's ok because you doxed yourself. If you can't see the games being played then you are either blind or a cunt.

Rotteuxx ago

She posted them on Voat herself 6 months ago.

Dig for info before forming an opinion, it's always better that way.

Shizy ago

She didn't post them on voat liar!!!

wokeasfook ago

I know the whole story I'm not going to go round in circles. Her posting pictures doesn't negate the fact that it's a coordinated attack that now includes her children. You've picked your side. You are siding with dangerous drug addict cunts over a family woman fighting for what's good and right.

Rotteuxx ago

When the fuck did her kids become involved in her pics ?

She's a retard who believes in a jewish psy-op to keep goys complacent.

wokeasfook ago

Did for info before forming an opinion. Oh I forgot you are part of the coordinated effort so why would you do that.

Rotteuxx ago

Did for info before forming an opinion

The fuck are you going on about exactly ?

wokeasfook ago


Dig for info.

Just throwing your own retarded line back at you since clearly you haven't bothered teasing the threads. Because you are team zyklon you don't need to see the full story. Now fuck you like cunt I won't feed you further.

Rotteuxx ago

KeK !

You Qtards are fucking hilarious.

@Zyklon_b @Trigglypuff @gabara @expertshitposter @d0c5

Get a load of this fucking boomer.

zyklon_b ago

go after kids

wokeasfook ago

Haha quick call the cavalry. What a faggot. Pathetic. I like the company you keep. This ping alone tells me everything I need to know about you. Weak pathetic kike. I bet you look kikey as fuck.

Not you triggly. But if I was you I'd not be too happy with the group you are now being pinged alongside.

auralsects ago

You're obviously from the UK.

Nobody gives a fuck what you think, faggot.

You are the laughingstock of Earth.

Worse than even Sweden.

And its just that simple, Qtard.

wokeasfook ago

Nope not from the UK. You're right about it tho. The Kikes ruined it even worse than Sweden. Glad you confirmed that for us. They really are cunts. Glad we agree on something.

Your ccp -2.4k My ccp +3.4k

People give more of a fuck what u think than you obviously.

That's nervous laughter you're hearing. Kikes laughing while terrified.

I'd rather be a Qtard than a pedo kike. I can taste your fear. It's palatable. I almost feel sorry for you. Your destiny is sealed.

auralsects ago

Lol clearly you don't know shit and your vaunted CCP are all from your Qtard nonresearch sub, whereas I singlehandedly made v/pizzagate a Jewish focused sub.

You fucking LARPfag, youre not fighting shit, Trump sucks kike dick and so do you. Lick my fucking taint, nigger.

wokeasfook ago

Yep Trump is the lynchpin in the Steinlight plan. I agree.i have countless posts alluding to that exact point. I have had countless discussions about it. The move toward nationalism buys us time we to wake up our goy mates so he's still the best option we have right now. Best make the most of this time to awaken our fellow goys.

Maybe get to know the poster you are arguing with so that you don't come across as an irrational overly emotional lefty.

You did nothing to add it PG so STFU acting important. Your ccp tells the story. If you were genuinely focused on the Kikes you wouldn't be minus 2.4k. this is voat. If you really are kike aware why are you so incredibly unpopular?

auralsects ago

Yep Trump is the lynchpin in the Steinlight plan

Excuse me, sir, I found this name; did you drop it?

The move toward nationalism buys us time to wake up our goy mates

LMAO is that what you think?! Ever hear of a pied piper, pressure valve, or the fact that Obama was literally better on immigration, the only issue that matters? Fucking get a clue XDDD

If you really are kike aware why are you so incredibly unpopular?

First off this is not my original account. The first was banned and exposed Trump 2 years ago

As more Qtard boomer Christcuck women came to v/pizzagate to call me Nazi Soros shill, the more I was brigaded, thus I began to tell them women are fuck-ups, Jew-lovers, and not fit to be here, resulting in more brigading.

I also like to antagonise Christcucks and push white sharia on v/all, which ofc gets downvoated heavily.

Nobody has posted more new names and locations in v/pizzagate than me, and I did it easily by merely following the yellow hooked nose.

Qtards are the enemy

Rotteuxx ago

Eh, 1/10

CerealBrain ago

You are one dumb sonofabitch lol.

wokeasfook ago

Yep because everyone knows the Kikes are innocent of all charges

middle_path ago

Again, I haven't paid much attention to it all. Just saying it is a grey area. Shitty for a user to do for sure. But stupid for an account owner to do.

wokeasfook ago

Maybe yoo should pay some attention then. There have been multiple in depth postings that you should read. You're currently siding with the rapist because the girl was scantly clad. But if you'd bother reading the threads you'd realize the girl was wearing jeans and a polo neck jumper. Not that it should matter.

Crensch ago

It's been fun. I'm still on the fence about you, but whatever. Enjoy your garden thing; hope it prospers.

middle_path ago

Thank you. Link provided just redirects to front page.

You're not leaving Voat totally are you?

Crensch ago

Me? no. Uhm... sorry. Check the banlog for /v/GreatAwakening.

middle_path ago

Sorry, your "good luck with the gardening" sort of implied it. Glad you're sticking around. You're the more sane of the PV lot, probably why you're stepping down.

Crensch ago

Cheers to that. I'll try to avoid snapping at you going forward.

middle_path ago

It's cool, man. Just stay honest.