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zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff this cuck faggot says i got u burnt. pm him the reason.

@sguevar shut your ignorant mouth cause you know ZERO of what is really happening. whiteknight.....

sguevar ago

Fuck you faggot, man up and stop fucking around.

zyklon_b ago

i did man up and this what happened...

@andrew_jackson @niggervirus @rotteuxx he said man up

sguevar ago

No you didn't and you still haven't. You can't even accept that all this shit started because of you and only you.

zyklon_b ago

How did i make trump be pro israel or get the GA mods to promote the (((plan))) that is why?? please elaborate as to how i control ZOG and psy ops?

watch him deflect with personal attacks or just ignore.

@expertshitposter @andrew_jackson @cheeseboogerhimself DESTROY

sguevar ago

How did i make trump be pro israel or get the GA mods to promote the (((plan))) that is why?? please elaborate as to how i control ZOG and psy ops?

How is this related to your fucking harassment and stalking of a user just because you don't agree with her views and opinions? How is this fucking related to your attempt of brigading and manipulating others with even creating alt accounts to do such things?

watch him deflect with personal attacks or just ignore.

Nice try ZB, the one deflecting on what I am saying is you not me. You are no knight against the ZOG or the psy ops you are a tool of (((them))) used to start fires where your masters find it entertainment.

Care to explain how is this related to what I have said before or are you going to fucking deflect?

SandHog ago

It's just one of the many jewscuses he uses. He is full of them.

  • It's just jokes
  • They are the ones attacking me
  • I'm the victim here
  • If they stop responding to my attacks I'll stop attacking them

He also appears to be planning on doing the same sort of thing with pizzagate.

sguevar ago

It honestly pisses me off that he is so reluctant to accept his responsibility on all this and though I do not support the harassment that took place, I can't accept the ban on Triggly. As I said it before the power to end this lies now on srayzie's hands (no tag on her because I have done enough tags today and I know she is really stressed). But again the previous post to her twitter account was made.

Fucking shit I honestly tired about this matter that seemed it could easily be resolved but a fucking junkie decided to burn the house instead...

SandHog ago

They are putting Putt in tough spot and it is harming the integrity of Voat. Does he just let them tear apart subs on whim? Or does he have to start banning people? They are really putting him between a rock and a hard place and I think it likely that it is intentional. More people need to wake up to what is going on. Everyone on Voat should be rejecting and condemning this behavior because if it is left unchecked it will inevitably change Voat for the worse.

sguevar ago

Agreed, as @kevdude said, a new update TOS should be put in place and this is now perfect opportunity to work on a new process for bans. But again, the ban on Triggly is uncalled for and if it remains then Voat will be compromised.

You can consider me a concerned troll here but I am simply trying to reason with the parties here. Objectivity must remain on this situations and if we can't work through them then I fear what will happen to Voat.