banned from /v/bloodofeurope for no reason at all. (ProtectVoat)
submitted 5.7 years ago by zyklon_b
@theoldones is a nobody and interjecting himself in the drama to try and appear relevant.
v/BloodOfEurope (theoldones) > zyklon_b | Sent: 50 seconds ago on 5/27/2019 5:51:02 PM You've been banned from v/BloodOfEurope :( @theoldones has banned you from v/BloodOfEurope for the following reason: Rule Violation: Dox; Description: "if anyone asks tell em I DID IT." -zyklon_b
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Dortex 5.7 years ago
Bro u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.
He's eroded Voat plenty.
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Dortex ago
Bro u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.
He's eroded Voat plenty.