2nddammit ago

All of you drama faggots can fuck off.

zyklon_b ago

kevdude wil dye

Dortex ago

Bro u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

He's eroded Voat plenty.

theoldones ago

their ban for doxxing will remain in place, it given live during the attempt, not preemptively

as i hit the ban key, they were all saying they had the legal right post her information and photographs.

Gothamgirl ago

Me to, I never even noticed that sub before I was banned.

Dortex ago

u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

He doesn't get to complain about anything anyone does.

Gothamgirl ago


Dortex ago

Spread the word. There are others much better suited to run a moral crusade. People that aren't felons, if nothing more.

Gothamgirl ago

I wonder if this is the actual person who was the posting the Loli, now playing white night, hmmm.

theoldones ago

you are currently 1 of 3 active doxxers. all fucking 3 of you are gone

Gothamgirl ago

You are liar, I have not ever doxed anyone ever, but myself. You are actively surpressing freedom of speech.

theoldones ago

you 3 are currently running an active doxx campaign agianst @srayzie

@puttitout @Atko @Cynabuns

@zykob_b and his 2 cohorts are currently violating doxxing rules.

andrew_jackson ago

@theoldones hey you forgot me, I am a conspirator against you as well. I stand with @zyklon_b

zyklon_b ago


andrew_jackson ago

I get along with her. It's @theoldones who must surrender to the troll army!

argosciv ago


Scum though they may be, this isn't the right way to go about things.

If found to be responsible for doxing (and believe me, I'm among the last people on this site who would ever defend them and I think they should be held accountable for their threats and coordination), they'll be hammered just like Triggly; you won't even need to ban them from your subverse.

In the mean time, until they've caused a problem in your subverse directly, preemptive banning is not the way.

Indeed, this is exactly what caused a problem between @kevdude and @srayzie.

It's probably best to unban them.

Let this take a natural course.

Gothamgirl ago

It's not a dox campaign its "crazy things her and her alters say" sub , and they're pics she posted on Voat herself. Do you have proof it's her?

theoldones ago

bullshit, you're posting photos of her, and she wants those pics gone so your say means dick.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't post any photos of her at all, you are now making false allegations.


Shizy ago

You're pure TRASH!

And fat!

Gothamgirl ago

You have never even saw a pic of me đŸ˜‚đŸ¤£ and nobody cares about your opinion.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

"you have never saw". Surprised it's white because it speaks like an illiterate nigger.

HollaKost ago

it speaks like an illiterate nigger.

That's because she has been fucking niggers for so long she's appropriated their culture. She has to teach Ebonics to her nigglets.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

I wonder how American taxpayers feel about paying for these losers to sit on the internet all day and shit this place up instead of working for a living like everyone else.

zyklon_b ago


C_Corax ago

You still don't know what a dox is and it's one x only..

MrPim ago

I usually see it as dox,doxxing,doxxed. Now back to your normally scheduled programming.

theoldones ago

you're posting a users personal information and photos, that is doxxing. i've had one of these deletions before. let me explain some shit.

you claim "but it's out in public", that's not a defense, if it's information on user and the user doesnt want people who hate them spreading it, that's a doxx

heygeorge ago

but it's out in public", that's not a defense, if it's information on user and the user doesnt want people who hate them spreading it,

Two things: This has already been ‘litigated’ over @TexasVet. Public information may be just that. And taking almost anything @zyklon_b says seriously is not going to get you anywhere. Second, you are heading down the slippery slide to rebbbbbbbbit 2.0, and this is the main reason @kevdude is pissed about zyklon

zyklon_b ago

@kevdude is pissed cause he was owned by a retarded addict and exposed for YEARS of brigading and Vote manipualtion

theoldones ago

this is the main reason @kevdude is pissed about zyklon

well he's goddamn right to be pissed then

his shtick about being some fucking performance artist is bullshit and he needs to be treated with the normal rules

heygeorge ago

He is, I think you are asking @zyklon_b be treated differently

theoldones ago

i just had to determine one claim against this user was bogus. i suspected zyklon had some involvement

lo and behold, in hardly an hour, this dox shit happen and zyklon is center stage. this fucking cunt just tried fucking with a case still on my damn desk

heygeorge ago

^^^^ Classic avoidance

zyklon_b ago


you know id have your back very vocally.

heygeorge ago

know id have your back very vocally.

Yes, I know this. Thank you. We all do what we can.

zyklon_b ago

while yall do what yall "can" my army and myself gonna do what we want

@andrew_jackson @freshmeat @ifuckdolphinseverday. show NO mercy

andrew_jackson ago

@theoldones is an idiot

C_Corax ago

I am not posting any such thing. I am telling you it is not a dox. Threat is negotiable though. Not by any of the metrics you come up with you retard.

theoldones ago

I am telling you it is not a dox. Threat is negotiable though.

@puttitout @Atko

C_Corax ago

Quote my post to make it easier on them.

theoldones ago

you are an accomplice to a doxxing attempt. i dont need to quote you, your actions speak loud enough

Gothamgirl ago

She used an alt and doxed my address and much more 3 days ago, she should get the same treatment as Trigglypuff.

C_Corax ago

Right. Prepare to be disappointed that I'm not banned then.

zyklon_b ago

cry to.admins