@Crensch is now being followed by a pedo accuser troll. - @zyklon_b to blame? - @Antiracist10 (ProtectVoat)
submitted 5.6 years ago by theoldones
Member for: 3.3 years Submission Contribution Points: -81 Comment Contribution Points: -1772
Member for: 3.3 years
Submission Contribution Points: -81
Comment Contribution Points: -1772
heads up m8, you got a bug tailing your ass
squataclops 5.6 years ago
All of his accounts are negative...
theoldones 5.6 years ago
you're right
and more besides probably
OhRutherfordBehave 5.6 years ago
Dude I think you forgot:
post this stuff to v/alts if you want
Drunkenst 5.6 years ago
I’m lonesome, you fuckers musbe whatever it is comes after loneliness. Life’s too short to take this pissant nonsense seriously. Mow the lawn, power wash the sidewalk, change the oil in your cars.
Antiracist10 5.6 years ago
You are a faggot.
squataclops ago
All of his accounts are negative...
theoldones ago
you're right
and more besides probably
OhRutherfordBehave ago
Dude I think you forgot:
squataclops ago
theoldones ago
post this stuff to v/alts if you want
squataclops ago
Drunkenst ago
I’m lonesome, you fuckers musbe whatever it is comes after loneliness. Life’s too short to take this pissant nonsense seriously. Mow the lawn, power wash the sidewalk, change the oil in your cars.
Antiracist10 ago
You are a faggot.