daily @Dortex spam report - 81 pings today - @Cynabuns please respond - 2nd spam wave underway (ProtectVoat)
submitted 5.7 years ago by theoldones
image of inbox. 81 pings still despite blocking @Dortex
@puttitout @Atko PLEASE ADDRESS THE PING LOOPHOLE. @Cynabuns please do you what you're good at kill the spam already
example of his second spam wave
Dortex 5.7 years ago
Actually, why haven't you blocked the bot if pings bother you so much?
TOO begs for child porn. Yadda yadda yadda. Insert links to him doing it.
Dortex ago
Actually, why haven't you blocked the bot if pings bother you so much?
Dortex ago
TOO begs for child porn. Yadda yadda yadda. Insert links to him doing it.