Fambida ago

Well then, I was wrong and you're right.

Dortex ago

At least someone in this thread admitted he was wrong.

Fambida ago

I'm not an expert on the matter, but I'm pretty sure possessing CP is what's illegal, not soliciting it.

theoldones ago

i just linked you said proof.

violations of US law on the website are manually found and reported by users, then filtered presumably through putt

Maggotbait88 ago

Oh yeah I remember when u/theoldones wanted to ban vpns on voat

theoldones ago

wtf are you even smoking you taco-nigger

theoldones ago

r rated movies


nsfw sub

PORN SUB, not just a nsfw sub, dumbass

he found of a child being raped and jack off to it, then posted that to the subverse so other pedophiles could do it too, take a wild guess on whether or not that counts as child pornography

Dortex ago

I keep telling you it was a major film. It's not child pornography if it can play in theaters nation-wide. You need to listen for once in your life, you moron.

theoldones ago

it depicts a child being raped, and its a fetish clip.

stop deflecting from that. IT'S CHILD PORNOGRAPHY

Dortex ago

The reason he's freaking out about this one in particular is because a guy he doesn't like posted it. Don't think for a second this is some principled reaction. The entire anti-loli crusade like loli. They feel guilty when they get off to it, so they vote it down. They get it all banned. Like those gay, anti-fag pastors. Why else would they go out of their way to all the loli subs to vote posts down? If they didn't like it, they'd block the subs.

theoldones ago

cp isn't legal. a clip from a mainstream movie is, however. that's what we are talking about here.

why was it posted as porn then? you're avoiding this question

theoldones ago

it's a not safe for work sub.

explain why CP is legal there.

answer: it isnt

Dortex ago

I think he imagines the movie grossing what it did purely because people went to masturbate to it in theaters or something.

theoldones ago


would that excuse hold up in court and why is it posted in a porn sub then

were people supposed to watch it for the plot?

theoldones ago

a FETISH CLIP portraying the RAPE OF A CHILD to a PORN SUB

literally child pornography

Dortex ago

Since the link was deleted, i will inform you it was a scene from Bastard out of Carolina. TOO doesn't know what that is.

theoldones ago

prove it... just not to me. take it to the police.


posted by @fuark_auf and then deleted when it was pointed out CP would get haccount hammered.

feel free to give this to the police

there's your proof

theoldones ago

He broke no laws

the dude posted a fetish scene of a child being raped to a pron sub, he posted CP. he broke CP rules

if he didnt delete it, his account would be gone

Decidueye ago

It's like having u/SaneGoatISwear back.

Maggotbait88 ago

i loved fucking with that guy. it was bliss.. ^_^

Decidueye ago

Is this what's it's like to pull the pin too early?

Dortex ago

Hey, what did he say in that deleted post? He beg for CP again?

Decidueye ago

It was pretty much autistic screeching.

Dortex ago

Well I figured that much. Was just hoping he'd said something new to use against him.

Decidueye ago

BeastofBalthazar had its account nuked on the same day. You know, the one who thought banning VPNs on Voat was a good idea.

theoldones ago


incorrect, @Dortex is the one to look at

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

theoldones ago

prove it was solicitation and not a sting-op.

Decidueye ago

He likes using this sub to go after critics. @Obrez experienced this himself.

theoldones ago

you are also one the names i believe to be connected, and i have many things to say about obrez

Dortex ago

No. I'm not a Dortex alt. Keep making an idiot of yourself. You're just losing credibility (if you have any left)

theoldones ago

No. I'm not a Dortex alt. Keep making an idiot of yourself. You're just losing credibility (if you have any left)

said @Dortex

Obrez ago

You know they are just fucking with your dumb ass at this point right?

theoldones ago

they're trying to fuck with the whole site, and pedos get the rope

theoldones ago

-nothing received or transmitted

-nothing sold

-nothing sent across state laws

-what you call "asking" requires in the cited law, "knowingly possesses, or knowingly accesses with intent". not legally the same thing as the context here, i'm sorry to inform you

Dortex ago

Sorry you have to deal with my drama. But I think we can both agree, federal crimes are a pretty good reason to start drama.

theoldones ago

you're a lying fucking skitskin and you just admitted to pushing claims via 2 accounts.

stick a penis in your hole instead of talking perhaps.

theoldones ago

it's true, just look it up, and no i won't do the research for you

okay wow this discussion is a waste of my time then clearly

theoldones ago

yes it does change shit. if you think i'm taking legal advice from internet_cunt_458615330264322 at face value you must be actually smoking crack

theoldones ago

maybe get your dick lean direction sorted out before the bare legal basics, dumbass.

theoldones ago

i'm well aware of your excuses. it still doesn't matter. the act of asking for cp at all, for any reason is a federal crime.

hold the fuck up, are you bringing this business again, to try to get me emotionally distracted into arguing with you, instead of focusing on the central point of my post?

@Maggotbait88 is @Dortex he said it, why are you trying to lead me off another topic?

theoldones ago

don't be a fuckwit. i've been here nearly as long as putt.




Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

slander and libel is also against US law might i remind you, if you wish to argue this over law

theoldones ago

don't be a fuckwit. i've been here nearly as long as putt.




Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

theoldones ago

he's spammed serious allegation, as well as acount B, and only admits both were the same guys

this isnt a hate mob, this is putting this information in the limelight

Dortex ago

u/theoldones explicitly begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown when he got called out for it.

theoldones ago


Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

you've also just been banned from v/alt for spam, seeing how you've now explicitly admitted to the charge, but then immediately became disruptive.

@cyanbuns keep a watch on this one.

Decidueye ago

How convenient that he can't directly disprove anything on that sub now, despite not actually breaking rules on that sub. Flipping fuck off back to Reddit with the power mod behavior.

theoldones ago

How convenient that he can't directly disprove anything on that sub now

he proved he was an alt by admitting to it. open shut case. why would an alt-hunting sub allow proven alts to run free after unmasking them?

Decidueye ago

Great thing about the internet is that he could be sarcastic for all we know. What's actually funny is that /v/alts, a sub you're using for hunting alts, is clearly owned by someone's alt.

theoldones ago

Edit: Alts in and of themselves aren't breaking site rules unless used for vote manipulation. But it's fine to know who is who.

given your words in this thread i refuse to believe that.

Decidueye ago

It would take zero self-awareness and no shame for you to get angry at other users for using alts. Dude, I know you used a mod alt to attempt a revenge campaign, /u/ArmoredGoat, and you shut it down when I called you out on AskVoat, ignoring the same one on /v/ReportShills, for being so butthurt about your own mental breakdown and foolishness. You'd be better off in many ways not letting shit get to you.

Maggotbait88 ago

What about the time you were soliciting child pornography?

theoldones ago

literally already countered by rebbutal from someone else, which this thread already contains the link for

Decidueye ago

Did you get CP for reeebutthole?

Maggotbait88 ago

Help me

Maggotbait88 ago

Maggotbait did nothing wrong. Maggotbait is only yelling at a pedophile on the internet

Maggotbait88 ago