kneo24 ago

If you play with fire, you have to realize you might get burned. @Dortex and the rest of of sick kind need eradicated from the planet. They're more interested in playing Jew games to subvert Voat (doesn't mean he's a jew, but definitely using the same tactics). It looks like you finally understand that now.

Also, from my experience in dealing with Puerto Ricans, they offer a net negative to the U.S.. For every good one you find, there's ten bad ones. They refuse to assimilate or learn proper English (which is true of even the better ones who at least have a good work ethic). Most of them are lazy and don't want to work, but want to collect a pay check. Then they piss and moan when they get lumped in with Mexicans. Well, maybe they should stop acting like Mexicans.

My point is, it's no surprise that we have another one offering negative value to a community.

theoldones ago

Also, from my experience in dealing with Puerto Ricans, they offer a net negative to the U.S.. For every good one you find, there's ten bad ones. They refuse to assimilate or learn proper English (which is true of even the better ones who at least have a good work ethic). Most of them are lazy and don't want to work, but want to collect a pay check. Then they piss and moan when they get lumped in with Mexicans. Well, maybe they should stop acting like Mexicans.

this a thousand times.

Dortex ago

Also, from my experience in dealing with Puerto Ricans, they offer a net negative to the U.S.. For every good one you find, there's ten bad ones. They refuse to assimilate or learn proper English (which is true of even the better ones who at least have a good work ethic).


Most of them are lazy and don't want to work, but want to collect a pay check.

Sort of?

Then they piss and moan when they get lumped in with Mexicans.

This is news to me.

theoldones ago


you're peurto rican. did you just explicitly admit to being a net negative?

Dortex ago

did you just explicitly admit to being a net negative?

No. I'm better than everyone. And i do mean everyone.

where's your islands vote in the government if you're amercian then, dumbass


theoldones ago

deluded in power, and then instantly lazy. this is why your species is a pestilence. swing from a rope.

Dortex ago

No need to be envious. Some of us are just born better.

fuck your island and your passport stamp

Why do you think I have a passport?

theoldones ago

Why do you think I have a passport?

because federal bureaucracy is apparently retarded and forgot it controlled part of mexico.

why the fuck would i be jealous of a shitskin? i'm already white so i already got a leg up lol

Dortex ago

because federal bureaucracy

You really don't know how America works.

why the fuck would i be jealous[sic] of a shitskin?

Well you still live with your parents, you've got average intelligence, at best, you haven't done anything noteworthy, and I really doubt you've ever worked on anything in your life for more than three hours at a time. And that's just stuff you'd envy me for personally.

theoldones ago

you're a shit disturber and only here to divide.

you're just some tropical-nigger

Dortex ago

I like how you deny none of what I said. I can respect your self-awareness, if nothing else.

theoldones ago

@TruthDefender open-shut admission to confirm your claim here

they are 100% running vote brigades, they just talked openly about it

theoldones ago

We could always just vote them down too, you know. It's just a handful of closet loli lovers who feel like they need to vote it down as penance for when they cum. And they post a lot.


100% admission of what he intends. someone please tell him a voting brigade like this go against site rules.

@atko @puttitout Cynabuns

theoldones ago

Dortex, firstly stop being a dishonest shit. your repeated bullshit is inaccurate, slander and a manipulation of words. you're a lying snake.

here's the part you fucking ignore and omit from what i know you're about to say:

Dortex, i ask people to put their money where their mouth is. that test was failed, certain people WON'T put their money where their mouth is.

even other users notice you've been a fucking shit about this.

this reply from @TruthDefender blows your interpretation out of the water immediately, and mumbleberry doesn't like you.

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.