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NotHereForPizza ago

Are you guys ready to talk about the accounts that mimicked my username and were very likely used to farm up votes, yet? Or do rules only matter as long as what someone is doing isn't working against your agendas/intentions?

Mumbleberry ago

Not here, make your own post, crybaby

NotHereForPizza ago

If I'm a crybaby for wanting to preserve Voat and not want it tainted, then what are you?

If one man devotes himself to promoting blind justice, but another claims he shouldn't be allowed, what do you make of the second man?

Do any of you have morals? Do any of you admire virtue? Or are you all just pubescent frauds?

Mumbleberry ago

Kosher salt. Good on a pretzel

srayzie ago

This is how much that faggot would like to preserve Voat...

@NotHereForPizza has had over a hundreds of his alts banned already. 😂 He bounces around. Today he’s a concern troll...

@Crensch @Sandhog @Shizy @Kevdude

Mumbleberry ago

Good to know my salt suspicions were correct. Could hear the whine through the text.

srayzie ago

Here’s another salty one for you ((( @MagaVoices )))

magavoices ago

That time a moderator couldn't defend their positions on their own so they called in backup.

srayzie ago

Yeah, this is v/ProtectVoat. Being a good goat and spreading awareness. WWG1WGA much nigga.

magavoices ago

Q was very wise to set up QRV as anonymous.

No fear of having mods gang up on you for intimidation's sake when they don't know who you are.

Q and Trump are very wise.

srayzie ago

Yes, they are wise. People like you, that compare yourselves to others, that keep track of subscriber numbers, and obsess over the moderators, would do better in that environment.

magavoices ago

You can't break 13k subscribers in a movement of 2 million because of divisiveness.

The key term to focus on is divisiveness, not 13k.

heygeorge ago

Don’t mind @srayzie, she can be a real twat when she wants to be, but she’s also very warm. This discussion leads me to ask two questions:

If QRV is so genius, why is the subscriber amount so similar?

Where do you get the number for a ‘movement of 2 million’?

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not sure how traffic statistics work.

BO drops numbers. Q has dropped numbers. Just because you're lazy or haven't been paying attention doesn't mean we don't know what we're talking about.

You guys having any control over respected systems like ours is a preposterous concept. I'm glad we've managed to evade you.

heygeorge ago

I don’t know if you mean to make me laugh, but you do. Don’t forget to check out my music video with over 2mil views! IT’S FIRE

NotHereForPizza ago

You know people make tools that let them see how many unique addresses are currently sending GET to a particular IP, right? Quit being a faggot. I know you're not that stupid.

heygeorge ago

Of course, like this one and this one

srayzie ago

You don’t even know what I would do to you if you turned out to be this psycho’s alt 🤣🤣🤣🤣

heygeorge ago

Haha that would be my magnum opus.