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gabara ago

@kevdude, @srayzie's claiming here that I "repeatedly" continued to break the rules and post questions, but the removal log clearly shows I only made one more post and it was not a question post nor did it break any rules, she let her emotions get out of control and she deleted it as "spam" (not as a question post as she claims) and then banned me. I am still banned. The post didnt break their rules.

srayzie ago

This was not the first day @Gabara. This has happened repeatedly @Kevdude

gabara ago

Show us examples of my posts from yesterday.

srayzie ago

It wasn’t yesterday. It has been over time Gabara and you know it.

You have deleted my posts, my comments, and banned me several times today.

@HeyGeorge @Kevdude

gabara ago

You have deleted my posts, and banned me today.

srayzie ago

Yes you were unbanned. Shizy said you agreed to not shit post.

zyklon_b ago

@srayzie must be unmodded from pv or will lose all credibilty