srayzie ago

srayzie ago

One more time, and you’re banned

zyklon_b ago

this does not break any rules and is q related

srayzie ago

I didn’t realize. Then repost

zyklon_b ago

Naw we let Voat decide what to do

Sons_of_Patriarchy ago

They keep chanting "optics". Well optics is not a consideration when these people are blind. Now go ahead and arrest somebody. Please.

zyklon_b ago

Post stuff like this and demand action

Demonsweat2 ago


zyklon_b ago

nope so attack

ideologicidal ago

Who is (((we))), niggerfaggot?

zyklon_b ago


ideologicidal ago

Weak rhetoric is weak.

zyklon_b ago

What you mean

ideologicidal ago

IDGAF what your, in your mind "we" should do. IDGAF that you and srayzie are having drama. IDGAF that youre buthurt your little band of SBBH nincompoops got bammed.

You are a nuissance to the rest of (us).


zyklon_b ago

@gabara @expertshitposter @heygeorge.

can u say rent free

ideologicidal ago

Heya, @srayzie. Wanna see some cringe-worthy faggotry?


srayzie ago

I know. Don’t feed them.

ideologicidal ago


ideologicidal ago

Heya, @srahzie, wanna see something funny?

@zyklon_b thought they could push their advantage by calling their nincompoops into a deleted thread.

The results (IMHO) are hiladious.

ExpertShitposter ago

@ideologicidal said (us). A single parenthesis. Is that like a 1/3 jew? A jewish father + non jewish mother?

@ideologicidal are you 33% gas?

ideologicidal ago

Lurk moar, newfag.

ExpertShitposter ago

Qfag pls.

ideologicidal ago

Chan moar,fag. Idealy in a thread that hasnt been bleeted by its founder, @zyklon_b, a coward faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

@zyklon_b these are some serious allegations by this 60yo boomer. How do we plead?

zyklon_b ago

i did it with muh dick

zyklon_b ago

@ideologicidal is a gay that will be kilt with bagpipes

ExpertShitposter ago

holy shit! that's the new and innovative way to gas! you a muthafukin genius. @trigglypuff this is a technological + cultural breakthrough.

zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff is the boss of voat too

ExpertShitposter ago

gas supply chain general manager

zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff da queen of voat

ideologicidal ago

circlejerk intensidies

ideologicidal ago


GiggaNigga ago

aha good one

zyklon_b ago

its on topic and real

mark7 ago

Your gang of faggots really mean nothing. Flies and mosquitos come with summer, how much more the arseholes of discontent. Flail away as a drowning rat, your squeals of death are represented by your vile and hopeless posts.

zyklon_b ago

pray for america

mark7 ago

I always do, pray for yourself, ( if you can avoid obscenities)! You seem to need more than most, ? (imo)

FacelessOne ago

Jewish cuckold circlejerkering keeps them busy, remember to grab your popcorn, butter lube is amazing from the way they describe it.