CarpenterforChrist ago

Upvotes for everyone here. Keep up the good work goats!

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

God, you're such an insufferable faggot. “ wah, nobody likes me”

Maggotbait88 ago

There seems to be a increasing number of users that try to inflict their own brand of censorship on Voat. Vote brigading has been a problem for a while now.

xenoPsychologist ago

you wont be unable to participate. youll just have to participate slower. i dont see why you dont just make a new account since you burned all your bridges.

antiliberalsociety ago

He can't abandon his real name, which all his online personas depend on - his being a vet from Texas (The America of America - lawlz). To gain internet fame he rides that vet train to donation town. So no matter what name he uses (he already has several) they all have to boost his real identity, otherwise he's just another toofless hick the left loves to stereotype.

xenoPsychologist ago

i suppose that makes sense.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

He has several alts.

I_am_GOAT ago

The only hand up my ass is my own, Sean. I just don't like you and I'm going to call you out every time you have a post on the front page. Not my fault you have shit opsec.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GoFraudMe submission by @Mumbleberry.

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Mumbleberry ago


kneo24 ago

This is the result of a few users that have sustained a defamation and doxxing campaign against me because they disapprove of how I spent a portion of some of my gofundme money back in Feb 2017.

It's not defamation if it's true. It's not doxxing since you already doxx'd yourself. You misappropriated funds for non essentials. You also use the phrase, "sock accounts" like a faggot shill - I say this as I've only seen faggot shills use that phrase. You've also lied about contacting the FBI to report certain Voat users. People have seen the private messages where you said you reported them. You constantly lie every chance you get.

You know what you're doing right now? Playing the victim some more. We all know (((who))) does that.

Crensch ago

You're a sick fuck. The news about you is spreading.

You find content that people will reactively upvoat, but the moment they see your name, they know the person behind it is up to something shady, because that's all you've ever shown anyone.

Any shill can copy-paste good content from somewhere else. YOU, if you're NOT a shill, are a disgusting piece of shit that doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as decent humans.

Dismember ago

The news about you is spreading.

Whats the short story on what he did?

Crensch ago

Begged for financial help to feed and house his family and he went and bought a gun with it.

Dismember ago

Thanks and be extra careful what you put down in words here on Voat from now on.

I'm Disappointed, btw.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the warning. Good to see you!

I'll not be metering my words at least until an objective standard has been presented.

If they want to shut this place down, they can make any comments at any point in time and screenshot them.

I've never said anything that could be legally taken as a direct and imminent threat of violence.

Dismember ago

Ok, good stuff and good to see you too.

antiliberalsociety ago

I find it odd, on a national holiday where everyone is spending time with family, despite having 3 bros, a mom, and neices/nephews, he has a spike in posts on here. I like this site too, but for the bulk of the day it wasn't even on my mind.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Agreed. The One time we all collectively do something nice for one of our group, they go and and fucking blow it for, what could of been, potentially more people we could of helped. Nigger move he pulled

cthulhu69 ago

Well put, sir.

Whiteflighter ago

Upvoated as content incentive.

Don't stop.

larryhuston ago

After following this drama for a while now, I have to say that this statement of yours- "I know your first thought is that I am just being an asshole in my commenting habits, but I assure you this is not the case." is a pile of shit.

Mumbleberry ago

Will you call the FBI about this too?

antiliberalsociety ago

The irony, he cries about sock puppet accounts brigading him, but legitimately the only ones ever to defend him were sapling accounts

customers ago

Might have something to do with being a lying niggerlover.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Maybe it's because you're a liar who defrauded voat?

Whiteflighter ago

He spent like an American. Few are in true dire straights here.

If you give your money to trash, expect them to spend it accordingly, all due respect.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

[Member for 16 days]

Do you know anything about it?

Whiteflighter ago

It was a great show.

White trash predictably doesn't budget, hits a rut, begs like a bitch, gets funded, unpredictable budgeting gives unexpected income, shitbird blows it all. At least it was on guns.

This is what happens when you give money to your retarded relative. All do respect. That means I can say whatever I want, and you can't get mad.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

begs like a bitch

Don't forget the lying, which is the very soecific reason he's getting downvoted nowadays. Nobody likes him.

That means I can say whatever I want, and you can't get mad.

You can say what you want and anybody can get mad.

Whiteflighter ago

What lying?

All I saw was stupidity.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The best part about the stupidity is it keeps on giving.

cthulhu69 ago

Fucking lying coward.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


He sent another PM to me, and if you're not careful he'll start harassing you, too!

cthulhu69 ago

Please share with the group!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh it was just a youtube link and him repeating that he didn't defraud anybody.

cthulhu69 ago

Ah yes, the 14 minutes of whining

clamhurt_legbeard ago

C'mon, just click the link so he can get your IP address via youtube analytics.

antiliberalsociety ago

Ever notice the comments on his video don't show up? I find that fascinating.

cthulhu69 ago

Just long enough to hit that dislike button!