NotHereForPizza ago

SBBH bans people for "Shit posting" reasons, but is the first group to pounce on someone when they do iterally the same thing.

Gabara deleted a post of mine the other day. Weird how I haven't complained about it or "rallied the troops" over it, as kevdude would say.

carlip ago

I get banned from that sub sometimes too. I have had it blocked for years and I don't even stop in to look because it's too much typing. literal towel suckers in there.

NotHereForPizza ago

You know, it's sort of odd... it's almost like they're not just shitposting, isn't it?

Mumbleberry ago

Banning in a parody or joke sub are just that, a joke. I was banned for saying something the "artist" didn't like hearing.

NotHereForPizza ago

Then fuck him. Go make your own sub where you can decide who does or who doesn't get banned.

Make your own sub called stonetoss2 like you faggots love doing.

Your idea of freedom is complaining when someone doesn't like you and then taking away their freedom to do something you don't like. You're free to make your own sub, are you not?

Look, I don't like censorship either, but that's exactly why we're allowed to just make our own subs...

Baconmon ago

He has now removed all of the bans and it seems like he now knows what voat is like, and he has rescinded his message about banning people.. He makes some great red-pilling comics, and he is very new to voat (despite his account being 1.6 years old).. Don't start hating him just yet, he is on our side..

Mumbleberry ago

No shit. I was the only one to get banned. The beatings will continue until morale improves. It's the voat way.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

How can you make a comic so based, but then be this much of a faggot?

Crensch ago

Yep. Looks like stonetoss is about to get destroyed.

It's a shame, I enjoyed his comics. Guess he's just a faggot Jew.

Mumbleberry ago

He seems to learn fast.

Crensch ago

What'd he do/change?

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Mumbleberry ago

And it begins ;