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Redcobra ago

I for one am super stoked that your doing these voat investigative reports.honestly I like all your shit ,but I’m glad to see these.

shadow332 ago

Thanks! I like (as you may have seen) doing pizzagate stuff as well. It's amazing what you stumble across when you follow the trail very carefully. I think like @offender and @MadWorld have mentioned, there is a ring of accounts here, just pumping out the same links all over the site.

I wonder where this original source is coming from though. My very (yet very unproved) hunch is that, on a much larger scale, these outlets stem from a groupthat wants to destabilize the political atmosphere in the US by diving the people by left and right. You can see this is a constructed narrative by what the "outrage" is about. It's always "dems" vs "republicans", "trump is awesome" vs "dems are shit".

You might notice, like @Mad_Saxon said, there is no bashing of Israel or Jews on these sites. This is why I don't think this D&C tactic is coming from Russians, but more from our own above.

Redcobra ago

I saw your comment here and someone DV what the actual fuck. I’m glad there’s people with the time and energy to do what you guys do!