gabara ago

And you're an alt of @TheBuddha. You slipped up with the Horse Lasagna stuff the other day. Dead giveaway.

offender ago

I don't know who's jewing who anymore

theoldones ago


last mention i made was the delay post. you got a link on what you just cited?

gabara ago

I enjoy your v/Guitar night.

theoldones ago


now i'm doubly fucking confused. ive been in the guitar sub once lately to source another guys music but that's about it

gabara ago

It's okay Buddha, I'm also @heygeorge

theoldones ago

i legitimately do not know what the fuck you are on about.

give me either of the links you just mentioned and i might make a statement but i dont what the fuck

gabara ago

It's okay, you're allowed to have more than one account. Even Putt has an account that mods SBBH. You are just not allowed to use one of your accounts to upvote another of your accounts. Check the rules.

NotHereForPizza ago

The funny thing is that most of the popular accounts here at Voat aren't operated by a single person and one person alone.

This is the very reason why the personality behind the information is entirely meaningless - not because plenty of accounts are alts or used by more than one user, but because they could be alts or operated by more than one user. Because of that, all that really matters here is the flow of information.

As a side note, no, I don't condone the use of more than one account and despite when certain people here have tried relentlessly to promote, I never have had another account and I'll never need to make another.

gabara ago

You're just a jealous moron that everyone laughs at and then feels better about themselves because they realize they're not you.

NotHereForPizza ago

That's an odd response... Feeling guilty, little guy?

gabara ago

OOO! I hit a nerve!

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not so sure. All you did was respond to me (which wasn't exactly unexpected, considering the content) and I responded back.

theoldones ago

voluntarily pushing the list exposing your alts

weird flex but okay

WickerMan ago

You are MH101/SGIS/savethechildren level retarded.

WickerMan ago

Yeah, fuck that guy. He hurt @theoldones feefees by trolling too hard.

theoldones ago

I have been here for over 4 years. My user names were OzarkMountanGoat, OzarMountainMan,ChalemagnsRvenge, MonteBlanc, etc. You are one of the faggiest fuckers that I've seen here on Voat. I was disgusted when you called yourself a "nazi". I'm a National Socialist in meatspace I come on the web to relax, here you are shitting the place up. I've been trolling you for a month, it was fun.

WickerMan ago

My user names


You silly faggot. @theoldones