Soyboy69 ago

We aren't pedos, we are hebephiles and there is nothing wrong with that. it's the natural conclusion you come to when you allow youself to think freely. it was normal just a hundred years ago.

totes_magotes ago

You deserve nothing but execution you degenerate fuck.

Soyboy69 ago

keep being unquestioning of any law or concept that makes you uncomfortable, I'm sure it will work out. Why do you want a woman who spent her most important formative years fucking other men? Why wouldn't you want a pubescent girl around 14 or 15 who hasn't fucked anyone yet and will get to pairbond exclusively with you?

totes_magotes ago

You are nothing but a piece of shit that needs a rope. Better hope no one in real life hears you say this shit because you won't live very long.

totes_magotes ago

If I ever see you in person, I will kill you, you sick fuck.

stealthninjataliban ago

The girl in the meme has already reached puberty. That isn't pedophilia you ignorant faggot

totes_magotes ago

You degenerate piece of shit.

Chap ago


I left Voat last year as it went pedo orientated. This year they are boasting about it.

Instead of calling the place Why not update it to

With soapbox hammer and gabbra spamming this place, cognative dissadent going on about her niggers every day, and now the pedo posting. 2019 seems to be all about them.

0fsgivin ago

Probably half of the people posting that shit are white backboard pedos. The other half are jews/government accounts doing so in hopes of slandering or shutting down voat.

The problem of pedophilic whites is far less widespread or common on voat then you're pretending.