Butterbread ago

ExpertShitposter ago

Looking at how it worked out for him. His sub. looking at it, i love how well it worked out for him.

iM gonna post hitler things there, maybe, probably not nececary because it seemes he is aleadady BTFO.

@TheBuddha i am an honest shitposter. If i dont have alts.

But. Fuck social dinamics i'll tell you that much.

TheBuddha ago

How much have you had to drink?!?

ExpertShitposter ago

well. i donthave a calculator on my person.

so i cant do the math.

but, leme tell you, once you graduaete to doing nothing but, rakija, or vofdka....its easier on the stomach.

its like, it cleanses the mind as it purifiees the soul. you know? you know.

TheBuddha ago

I'm drinking wine the right way.

That is to say, quickly and with a clear objective.

ExpertShitposter ago

you know, i am almost proud of how i have become a professional drinker. menae, let me tell you.

back in the day, when i was a 23yo zoomer (idiot faggot), i would like get eradicatted. rihght?

well, now, being a propper 33yo profesional drinker, doomer-boomer-bloomer.i am a real true professional.

like for example. me and my buddy, we start liqouring up at like 2200, and we get up to a level, where we can still gather information foe the un-teligence service, and then we maintain it for untill, 7 in the morning.


meanwhile, we see the 24yo zoomers, come in, drink 6m vodka, puke on a womans shoes, and pas out, get thrown out into a sewwer.

so green.

like, we only get thrown out maybe 2 times per yerar. thats how professional we have become.

TheBuddha ago

It takes serious dedication to get good it it. I admire your work ethic!

ExpertShitposter ago

Im getting good at the numbers game: https://i.imgtc.com/DPtjGr5.png

TheBuddha ago

Sweet. I tend to notice 11:11 and 12:34.

ExpertShitposter ago

thats like , advanced math.

i will do extrapolating triangulation math on those numbers tomorow.

and by tomorow i mean sunday.

and b y sunday i mean never not once in a million years.

TheBuddha ago

In vino veritas.

ex-redd ago

that's like the Polish invading Germany

antiplebbitor ago


hakrsakr ago

Member for 12 hours.

Already downvoat nuked.

I'm proud of ya, goats.

TheBuddha ago

My first guess is gonna be that it's actually a @gabara alt, or @expertshitposter.

When I doubt, I blame them. It's often correct!

Crensch ago

Nobody cares who left the toilet seat up.

MrPim ago

Damn. That immune system response.

BlueDrache ago

Here's a fun comment chain to downvote.


Enjoy. Looks like the little faggot's got a sockpuppet.

Splooge ago

Yes my lord


Goathole ago


HateCumbuckets ago

This has to be a troll right? This dipshit couldn't be serious.

Crensch ago

While it is massively stupid, I don't detect any trolling from this username.

The way I understand it, some of the users on Reddit were trolled to come here. There was a post talking about how everyone was moving here and then at the very end the troll was revealed and we know how redditors love to not actually read the post.

Walk1 ago

The colored people must be breeding leftists to overtake a far-right forum and turn it into an absolute trash can.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NeoGoat ago

Great work!!!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

@Jkisaprank wants to invade.

ExpertShitposter ago

his whole crew got rekt to -600