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Kilroy_1962 ago

I see my name in that list, just what are you trying to say?

heygeorge ago

How did you find and the Mel Gibson article?

Kilroy_1962 ago

I remember the article but cant remember where I came across it.

heygeorge ago

Do you see the level of detail in OP? More info might be useful.

Kilroy_1962 ago

I come here to stay in the loop because it seemed easier to get around than 8chan. It was tough getting around here at first but then it got better and the information available is great. I can't swear that every link that I have provided is 100% but I do my best. I come here and see that I am suspected of something and it kind of pisses me off. I would like to know more about what I am being blamed for here, that's all.

heygeorge ago

I’m just wondering where you found the link.

Voat is at it’s core a lot of skeptics who are low on trust. It’s part of what makes this place tick.

Kilroy_1962 ago

That was almost 59 days ago, like I said, I saved the site in my bookmarks but as you know, it is gone. I tried looking through my history but it only goes back a month so I have no idea, Anything linked to pedos is something that interests me, I would like it wiped out, that is why I shared the link in the first place. I am getting leery about sharing anything after seeing my name in that list of suspects. I came to this place to keep up with the truth, be part of the plan to uncover all the corruptness but now feel like I am being associated with the wrong side. I know what side of all this I stand on but when I get accused of something it makes me wonder what the hell is really going on.

heygeorge ago

I think that good users are looking into what appears to be manipulation of the site. I really don’t know what you’re worried about. If you haven’t been accused of being a shill, you’re hardly a goat! Lol

Kilroy_1962 ago

When I seen Suspect under my name, it makes me worry. If I could remember where I got the link, I would sure tell everyone. Just for shits and giggles, can you tell me what all sites you visited 59 days ago? I sometimes chase links found in the discus forums like at GP and other news sites but it was so long ago I just cant remember. I guess I am just going to let it go and see what the investigators find. I will think twice about sharing anything going forward but I still want to know what is going on. Thanks for the civil replies, I will work on a thicker skin. :-)

heygeorge ago

Ha! I know what sites I generally get my information from, yes.

For my edification, what news site is ‘GP’?

Interesting idea if the links are being spammed in discussions at other sites. @MadWorld

We are all on the same page, trying to figure out what’s going on.

What I find interesting are the responders who don’t want to talk about it and respond with insults or otherwise. I have seen this tactic used (unfortunately modestly successfully) in the past on this site.

MadWorld ago

Interesting idea if the links are being spammed in discussions at other sites.

Thanks for the ping. That is a lot of data to look through. Most of the domains under the first list were spammed on twitter. Somewhere on my last submission, there is a archive of what other twitter users have found. Numerous accounts were being created. I stopped digging further after it became obvious to me that this sort of thing has happened before. Not enough data to make an objective conclusion, but this list should be convincing, at the least, that similar attempts were made back in September 2018. This opens another question.

Given the political nature of the contents, did this group of domains selectively push, in the time of its needs? Has there been major events taking place around that time frame? What are the goals? To blind the citizens in terms of feel-good-and-lay-back-doing-nothing news? Maybe these are the questions the GA mods would know better.

What I find interesting are the responders who don’t want to talk about it and respond with insults or otherwise. I have seen this tactic used (unfortunately modestly successfully) in the past on this site.

I tried to post this submission, when I knew I could stick around. But so far only a few showed up or actually attempted to explain the data given. So far @Kilroy_1962 tried to explain it the best he/she could. That is much appreciated. I recall @theoldones just told me to fuck off, without any attempt to explain the data. A simple and reasonable reasoning would suffice; instead, he wants me to formally accuse him in two submissions [1] [2], and then reminded me via PM XD. All that unnecessary walk around the focus.

theoldones ago

I recall @theoldones just told me to fuck off, without any attempt to explain the data.

cunt, you just drop that shit at my doorstep and expect me to not get mad or object?

what the fuck of explanation do you want to be hearing right now?

All that unnecessary walk around the focus.

OH REALLY WHAT FOCUS. perhaps you should just fucking name it. what is the focus you just implied?