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tendiesonfloor ago

Humorless sperg patrol to the rescue!

Crensch ago

At least half of the submissions I see of yours are complete bullshit.

tendiesonfloor ago

You should take time to go through the list and point them out to me. How else will I ever know that Julia Roberts didn't really try to make Michelle Obama eat out of her toilet or whatever it is that has your bloomers all bunched up?

Crensch ago

Maybe you could just take a few extra seconds before posting bullshit.

Nobody is censoring you here, you sissy fuck. We're allowed to have our opinions and we are allowed to call out bullshit. If you don't like it maybe you should fuck off to Reddit.

tendiesonfloor ago

I genuinely don't care about calling bullshit. Hell, half the time I post bullshit it to see some of you autistic truth warriors sperg the fuck out. No shit, you mean to tell me Julia Roberts really didn't try to make Michelle Obama eat out of her toilet, OH MY! The tragedy of my post!

Crensch ago

I genuinely don't care about you. I'm sure I'm not alone.

tendiesonfloor ago

I'm not alone.

Are you lonely though?

Crensch ago

Will you be lonely without your shekels? You won't get to pay those hookers to come and pretend to not find you repulsive?

tendiesonfloor ago

Will you be lonely without your shekels? You won't get to pay those hookers to come and pretend to not find you repulsive?

Who was it that we decided is taking all this personally, again?

Crensch ago

You started writing fanfic. It looked fun. It also looks more and more like you do accept shekels for your bullshit.

tendiesonfloor ago

Oooooh, what fanfic did I write, was it erotic?