SearchVoatBot ago

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TheKobold ago

Remind me when did you help me?

sguevar ago

Actually I do like him, we may not agree in certain things but I like quite a few of his posts ;) While I don't like your continuous spamming.

NotHereForPizza ago

At least you guys are funny...

srayzie ago

and you’re not

SuperDouche ago

i'll personally tell putt everyone of my alts

and and I guarantee he'll stand behind me, because he gave he gave me the go ahead,,,,

you see kevdude you are not the one one here with influence.... you are being the cancer onto voat Putt knows me, and likes me lol... i help him combat shit you breathing in the wind faggot... you just make your self look dumb.

I thought you were smaeeerter than this, if anyone should be sanctioned is your group. I have zero worries nelly

SuperDouche ago

you see kev dud peopl on voat acually like me im sorry if this is a strange concept to you

you relly need to relawx

SuperDouche ago

its funny watching kev try to build me like boogy many this is like second time.... ever time he looks a fool

SuperDouche ago

if you want a list of my alts i'l fucking give you fag

SuperDouche ago

TheKobold ago

I had a feeling dial indicator was a fucking kike

draaaak ago

lol ok Schlomo

draaaak ago


N3DM ago

The alpha user base is all about "witch hunting", in the sense that we take arbitrary bans and deletions very seriously.

If you want some sort of bubble, get on Twitter.