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argosciv ago


If I had to guess...

Step 1: Spam gore(coordinated via Poal) to v/aww and create an envrionment of chaos/dissent/divide; false flag

Step 2: Wait for executive action to take place which leads to gore being strongly shunned and v/aww worthy posts being made to drown out said gore.

Step 3: Midst the gore and worthy posts, slip in undected by posting worthy content, thus seeming to be non-malicious; use the opportunity to farm ccp/scp; boost each other; create a brigade-capable set of accounts.

Step 4: ???

Step 5: Profit.

cc: @Crensch @KatHarzso @gabara @Vindicator @srayzie

Remember that ES expressed affinity for Poal and a probability of migrating there - he's been AWFULLY quiet the past week, no?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

You seem to give a shit about Voat, so take a look at this if you have the time.

SeanBox ago

Lol. Fucking sanegoat.