smokratez ago

You are shit reddit says. All you faggots should be banned from voat. You are lucky our owner is a softy and lets you morons be here. I would have doxxed and banned you.

smokratez ago

What do you mean no rules being broken. It says no faggots. Also no pro jew shit. Saufsoldat is a faggot german jew lover.

Saufsoldat ago

I think non-system, private subs should be allowed to ban whoever they like for whatever reason.

It's a delicious bit of hypocrisy, though. I sure hope smokratez never claims to be in favor of free speech or anything like that. Especially his second comment is very telling:

He's a german faggot jew lover. He's also banned from this sub now. I wish I could ban him sitewide.

This is the kind of person who claims others are a threat to voat's identity, yet wants to destroy exactly that.

smokratez ago

You are your buddies are destroying voat. You should be lucky I am not the owner. I would have doxxed and banned all of you faggots.

Saufsoldat ago

What buddies? What are you smoking?

Voat is built on the ideals of free speech above all else, so by definition you are the only one here seeking to destroy it.

chuckletrousers ago

You are your buddies are destroying voat. You should be lucky I am not the owner. I would have doxxed and banned all of you faggots.

Ban the flat earth retards while you're at it.

Rotteuxx ago

I think non-system, private subs should be allowed to ban whoever they like for whatever reason.

For legit reasons, yes. Not made up emotionally motivated ones.

It's a delicious bit of hypocrisy, though. I sure hope smokratez never claims to be in favor of free speech or anything like that. Especially his second comment is very telling.

This is the kind of person who claims others are a threat to voat's identity, yet wants to destroy exactly that.

Agree, I don't care if you're a shill, I don't believe in censorship. A strong mind can argue it out & expose idiocy through intelligent comments... deleting comments is just plain intellectual laziness.

KosherHiveKicker ago

@Saudsoldat is most certainly a JewFag Shill, but I would rather see him downvoated than let the ban hammer fly.

freshmeat ago

I agree but private subs can do whatever they want. SBBH/Jew shills dont ever concede when they are wrong, its pointless to engage.

Rotteuxx ago

What sub rule did he break ?

smokratez ago

Says in the rules. No faggots. No pro jew shit.

Rotteuxx ago

How did his 2 replies break those rules ?

smokratez ago

It wasn't the replies. No faggots allowed. No jew lovers allowed. Those were the reasons. His presence alone was enough. He's a disgusting human being. I get physically sick when I have to deal with him. I wasn't going to have to tolerate him in that sub.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fightknightHERO ago

@SaufSoldat is a kike shill who's plauging /v/ for some time now

his ban was justified.

14182378? ago

Great to see this comment at the top.

OP Rotteux and the retard Saufsoldat he is defending, are both some of our childish resident redditors from SBBH, the screaming babies at the Voat cinema, who see free speech as a challenge they need to crack.

What you see here, is one of their old tricks: spam good subs with redditry and circlejerk, then when a mod does his job and removes them, they go whining. Very predictable. ...and jewish. They are also the ones attacking new Voaters, trying to get them to go back to reddit. Nasty bunch.

Saufsoldat ago

SBBH made me a mod out of the blue one time, that's the extent of my association with them. Where is this meme coming from? Literally none of my recent activity on voat has anything to do with SBBH.

SearchVoatBot ago

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14214937? ago

I like that you claim no affiliation, in a SBBH thread, choke full of SBBHers and weird voting patterns, all about supporting you acting like a SBBHer/redditor. Your entire activity on Voat has everything to do with SBBH.

Maybe remove the SBBH sub from your bio before trying that again.

Saufsoldat ago

in a SBBH thread

It's a thread about me, you dingus. I have no idea who half of the people here are. I post here because I was mentioned by name.

weird voting patterns

"I'm not getting upvoated like I'm used to from my echo chamber, clearly these are strange voting patterns!"

Piss off.

all about supporting you acting like a SBBHer/redditor.

Right, I'm the one acting like a redditor by standing for free speech and the people who oppose free speech are the good goats, I guess. War is peace. Freedom is slavery.

Your entire activity on Voat has everything to do with SBBH.

Hyperbole, how nice.

Maybe remove the SBBH sub from your bio before trying that again.

lel, so some random sub in which I have zero activity making me mod is somehow relevant to this? You're a loonie.

You have no argument, just empty accusations and retarded claims. Go back to reddit where commie trash like you can hate on free speech all day long.

14215402? ago

Yes, a thread where SBBH fights for one of their own: You.

You aren't standing for free speech, you are standing for baby's right to scream in the cinema.

Saufsoldat ago

Yes, a thread where SBBH fights for one of their own: You.

You're a lunatic. Far less than 1% of my voat activity had anything to do with SBBH.

You aren't standing for free speech, you are standing for baby's right to scream in the cinema.

I clearly said that I'm fine with private subs banning people for spurious reasons. Smokratez is the one who wants people banned from voat for disagreeing with him. You're a brainless commie cunt.

14216825? ago

You are a SBBH redditor. You know it, I know it. I am not trying to change you guys, you are a lost cause, at least till you grow up. I write to warn voaters and new comers. If this topic comes up in a thread still read by those groups, feel free to ping me, then I'm happy to continue the convo.

Saufsoldat ago

You are a SBBH redditor.

Source? You are a basket case, my friend.

Go back to reddit where you can make up baseless bullshit and sell it as fact.

14218929? ago

My posts aren't welcome on reddit. Yours are.

Saufsoldat ago

Concession noted.

Rotteuxx ago

Too much of a pussy to ping me and debate me faggot ?

14184010? ago

Redditry in my inbox? Yikes!

Look at his comment. Look at it... Juvenile, low energy, pathetic, unimaginative, cringy as fuck. He thinks I want to talk to him, receive more of that, rather than just warn new Voaters about our local redditors and their tricks. He never learns, tsk, tsk, tsk.

On the topic of pings: My crystal ball tells me I will be the recipient of a bunch of them from the anon subs again, and probably also ban and unban messages from Voat's reddit embassy SBBH, despite me never posting there.

They have to go back.

Rotteuxx ago

Thanks for being upfront about having nothing intelligent to say.

Speaking of redditry, you talk like a narcissistic neckbeard.

freshmeat ago

highly accurate, and The mods of this subverse are included in their group

philomath ago

That’s what downvoats are for. Not bans.

fightknightHERO ago

the thing is, he was using bots or gay friends to mass upvote his subversive gay ass comments

and think of this way, if he was in the other position wouldn't he ban you too? enough with the Pacifist crap, Shills are NOT fucking welcome.

Saufsoldat ago

the thing is, he was using bots or gay friends to mass upvote his subversive gay ass comments

Provide evidence for these claims. All you kikes do is lie to justify your censorship of opposing opinions.

if he was in the other position wouldn't he ban you too?

No. Unlike you niggers, I believe in free speech.

Rotteuxx ago

So butthurt justifies censorship ?

Are too weak to handle shills in comment threads ?

freshmeat ago

SBBH concern trolling subs again trying to start which hunts? I wish you jews would just go extinct

Rotteuxx ago

No you don't, we're your reason to exist on here.

smokratez ago

Thanks for admitting you are trolling jews.

fightknightHERO ago

A shill is a shill, he contributes NOTHING to the discussion

he's only there to subvert and spy, if you're pro shills go back to reddit and worship your kike masters there

otherwise, keep the Shills and kike lovers away from Voat.

Crackrocknigga ago

You sound like a fucking commie

fightknightHERO ago

Nice try Kike

Rotteuxx ago

1 month old account

go back to reddit Censorship is acceptable here

Stupid faggot

fightknightHERO ago

Listen here kike, i'm not gonna repeat myself

KekistanEmperor ago

No he's right you are a stupid faggot. Go back to reddit you cock sucking jew.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh no, this user has an opinion unlike mine, quick, tell him to go back to reddit and call him a shill.

Shit that didn't work...

I know ! I'll call him a kike !

Crackrocknigga ago

He sounds like some Jew commie bullshit to me. I think we found the real Jew

RampancyLambentRaven ago

I had a comment removed a while ago too. We got sharks on board.

Spaceballs-1 ago

Yeah he has offered to drop the banhammer on me this morning, claiming to be part owner.

I think he's just collecting downvoats.

smokratez ago

I haven't spoken to you today. Feel free to quote the post.

Spaceballs-1 ago

My apologies. I had an issue with another poster this morning and not you.

I'll delete the post.

MinorLeakage ago

Just make sure you notice it's @smokatrez and not @smokratez. Someone is trying to ruin your good name sir.

Rotteuxx ago

That's frog, not frenchman. I don't walk around with a cheezy baguette under my arm while wearing a faggity beret.

MinorLeakage ago

On this side of the Ottawa you're all Frenchmen to me ;)

KekistanEmperor ago

On this side of the US side of the US-Canadian border, you're all a bunch of fags to me, eh?

Rotteuxx ago

Tabarnak Jean-Guy !

Womb_Raider ago

PSA TO VOATERS: @Smokatrez is a pathetic imitation of @Smokratez by SBBH. These faggots are trying to defame good voaters.

They've done this before. Look at @sound_of_siIence, a convincing imitation of @sound_of_silence. It looks the same, but they use an uppercase "i" instead of a lowercase L. These people are sick and manipulative.

Fuck you, SBBH. All of you.

MinorLeakage ago

It's only one guy. Rotteux just fucked up his post.

Womb_Raider ago

@SaufSoldat is one of your SBBH accounts typo or not. I don't support censorship but you people are lower than rodents

MinorLeakage ago

How am I related to SBBH exactly...? I just pointed out that you're wrong about this being a stolen identity. Click the link in the actual post, and it doesn't go to a user. Rotteux spelled the name wrong. There is only one user in question, and it's /u/smokratez

Womb_Raider ago

It's a hunch. I'll keep an eye and see, I'm pretty good at pointing them out thus far. 8_billion_eaters fooled me for a few months, but otherwise my accuracy is fair enough.

MinorLeakage ago

I just made the same assumption you did originally, but then I noticed one of the links was dead. But I am not affiliated with any of the cliques on Voat. I'm not convinced that SBBH aren't just harmless trolls, but I'm also not one of them. I don't get involved in any of the drama, and I'm not saying you're wrong about SBBH.

Womb_Raider ago

You must not realize how insincere you sound.

MinorLeakage ago

Sincerity isn't an easy thing to express over a keyboard. You're more than welcome to believe whatever you like, obviously. I have no idea who you are, other than that I recognize your username from years of being in a small crowd together. But trying to lump me in with some random group, when my comment/post history is public record, doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm just a fan of the truth, hence me bothering to talk to you in the first place. I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, which I have. I didn't expect the resulting accusation, because I don't comment or post in any of drama subverses, and I never involve myself in anything beyond a casual "niggerfaggot" here and there.

smokratez ago

I am not in question. Stop pinging me you retard.

MinorLeakage ago

I was just trying to correct the previous guy, who was saying it was a fake account pretending to be you. I pinged you so you would be aware that people were talking about you. I'm not saying anything is you did is questionable. I don't really even know why SBBH would care that you banned someone, since all they do is ban people and complain.

smokratez ago

Ok. They care because I point out shills and jews with ease. That's why they are on my nuts.

Rotteuxx ago

Why did you edit out your reference to @Smokratez where you were claiming it was a copy cat account of the reddit user with the same name ?

Are you butthurt because I didn't ping your account along with the @freshmeat & @9-11 accounts ?

smokratez ago

Stop pinging me you retard or I add you to ignore.

Womb_Raider ago

Pardon me? I corrected a typo and formatting. Are you denying the content of my comment? I didn't think so.

I have two accounts, this and @TheMandarinChief. I don't use the second account. I think alt use is for cowards and liars, both of which you are.

Rotteuxx ago

Pardon me? I corrected a typo and formatting. Are you denying the content of my comment? I didn't think so.

Since I noticed the edit when going from my inbox to the comment in context, I couldn't go back and screenshot it. But you know as well as I do that you're full of shit.

I think alt use is for cowards and liars, both of which you are.

Citations needed.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm full of shit, wood rott? Citation needed.

Memorexem ago

You guys aren't gonna get him here if you don't spell his name right...


Editing - yeah, I fucked it up the first time, too. Lol

Rotteuxx ago

I stand corrected, thank you.

@Smokratez see OP.

smokratez ago

What do you want faggot?

Memorexem ago

Np. I'm just glad I got it in 2, myself, lol.

digitalentity1497 ago

What a nigger.

smokratez ago

No jews, no gays, no niggers. Push any of this shit. Instant ban.

These are the rules. Saufsoldat is a jew loving faggot. That's why he got banned. What's being a nigger about that?

Artofchoke ago

Wow. You sell your credibility so cheaply, @Smokatrez?

Take a few deep breaths and rethink this. There is zero justification for silencing this user. Be better than this.

Dsciexterminationist ago

This place is really beginning to stink

european ago

'Beginning '

MinorLeakage ago

Then fuck off already. Good riddance.

Artofchoke ago

Nah, that's just your mum's cunt.

Dsciexterminationist ago

I'm shocked 5 people think a clichéd ad-hominem is funny, so far

14182542? ago

He is one of our resident redditors from SBBH, the sub where redditry is upvoated. Yikes!

When they "mistakenly" make their circlejerky SBBH posts outside their sub, a bunch of SBBHers somehow always find it faster than most actual Voaters, and redditry within the thread is upvoated. Brigade? Yes.

Dsciexterminationist ago

I've lurked enough to know I'm glad I have a mother, and wasn't shat out the diseased crotch of a junkie whore like @artofchoke

Artofchoke ago

Would have been nice, to be sure, but not sure how it bears on the subject of free speech?

Dsciexterminationist ago

I didn't DV you. To be real, I don't know you, but i feel a bit bad for digging on your momma, and if she was in fact those things, I can appreciate the tragedy and commend the effort you've presumably put into rising above difficult circumstances

Artofchoke ago

I can handle the truth. And unpopular speech. I'd never ban anybody who wasn't spamming/abusing the system.
Goes against the principle of Voat.

.... you'd feel more than a bit bad for digging on my momma, though, FYI. That territory makes the CDC quiver. :D

smokratez ago

Rules got broken. A faggot got banned.

chuckletrousers ago

Better keep chowing down on that cabbage so you don't get banned,

Artofchoke ago

We don't always get along. I find you obnoxious, truth be told. I'd never fucking ban you, and I'd fight anyone who tried.

Let him babble.

smokratez ago

I would string up all you jews if I could.

Artofchoke ago

I'm not Jewish. I'd still fight for your right to say you hate me.

smokratez ago

Great. While you are playing games, I'm trying to fight for our future.

TheAmerican ago

Get used to it. This place is no different than Reddit, same shit happens here all the time.

Rotteuxx ago

Enabling faggot.

Ignoring behavior like this turns a place into reddit, getting used to it is the same as condoning this behavior.

Do you believe in free speech ?

How about open borders for Israel ? Do you have anything against that ?

TheAmerican ago

I do more to preserve free speech on this site in one day then you will do in your whole existence here

bb22 ago

TheAmerican? More like TheFaggot amirite?

Diggernicks ago

Cease patting yourself on the back with one hand whilst touching yourself furiously with the other you male attention whore.

TheAmerican ago

I considered your advice and decided to keep doing what I'm doing anyway

I_like_paint ago

Answer the question Kike. Do you have anything against open boarders for Israel?

TheAmerican ago


Rotteuxx ago

I do more to preserve free speech on this site in one day then you will do in your whole existence here.

Links, citations ?

How about open borders for Israel ? Do you have anything against that ?

TheAmerican ago

By virtue of co-owning this site, I do more for speech speech. I hope that clarifies.

bb22 ago

Just imagine if you had full ownership of it. This site would be totally fucked. As in, no different than Reddit.

Crensch ago

By virtue of co-owning this site, I do more for speech speech. I hope that clarifies.

That's quite the lie, Jew.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

reddit doesn't disclose 90% of the information in the op

TheAmerican ago

My point is mods are human all humans are emotional all mods get offended and all mods act like this at times