Hah, Q just BTFO PV and SBBH. QAnon is no longer controlled by you on Voat anymore. @Srayzie @Kevdude (ProtectVoat)
submitted 6.4 years ago by freshmeat
whisky_cat 6.4 years ago
I love Q so much, I'd suck a man's dick for the next drop.
Equus 6.4 years ago
Love you Q
Mumbleberry 6.4 years ago
Oh really? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2734682
freshmeat 6.4 years ago
I see you missed no opportunity using your bot brigade to fill the sub with shitposting noise, i see the gif was also used.
You won't be able to take over this one buddy. Not without intentionally trying to get them to leave.
You have no sense of humor. "Q drops (load in pants) is funny
on second thought I guess people are just excited and general humor is dorky like that. I might be up my own asshole.
Still, it's hilarious what just happened.
It would be funny if it wasn't degenerate SBBH shitposting that is literally a distraction.
whisky_cat ago
I love Q so much, I'd suck a man's dick for the next drop.
Equus ago
Love you Q
Mumbleberry ago
Oh really? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2734682
freshmeat ago
I see you missed no opportunity using your bot brigade to fill the sub with shitposting noise, i see the gif was also used.
You won't be able to take over this one buddy. Not without intentionally trying to get them to leave.
Mumbleberry ago
You have no sense of humor. "Q drops (load in pants) is funny
freshmeat ago
on second thought I guess people are just excited and general humor is dorky like that. I might be up my own asshole.
Still, it's hilarious what just happened.
freshmeat ago
It would be funny if it wasn't degenerate SBBH shitposting that is literally a distraction.