DetailsOfIt ago

Well until whoever that is PMs me I am not doing anything.

You might want to edit the title of the the submission then because it says users not user. It sounds like a general feedback thread so of course people will be upset when they offer feedback and get a reply like this. Without reading the comments in here it's not clear at all what this thread is about. Even after reading it's not clear.

Cuckbot ago

So all anyone has to do is troll you in anontalk? It then becomes an ego battle between you and the troll and everyone else can go get fucked? I left my feedback here and didn't mention pizzagate and you just ignored it. The anon guy is more important. Alright thats fair, it's your sub and no one has any say but you. I get it now.

Cuckbot ago

They aren't wrong on the sticky, it's pretty stupid for the reasons they said, that could be Dungles if they are interested in Pizzagate. He was a never troll, at least against us.

My feedback is you need to bring the flairs back and stop the stupid accusing anyone of being a shill without evidence. Otherwise we're just another shitpost sub in the drama war.

Cuckbot ago

Why PM feedback?